Final Program

Thursday November 28, 2019

Morning Session

Venue: Auditorium Arenberg castle, Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 , 3001 Leuven, Belgium

08h30-09h00Registration in entrance corridor of Arenberg castle
09h00-09h15Welcome by Sabine Van Huffel, Organizer Symposium, in auditorium Arenberg castle
09h15-10h00KEYNOTE LECTURE I by Prof. Paul Suetens
"The role of AI and deep learning in Medical Imaging"
Head of Division ESAT-Processing Speech and Images, KU Leuven, and Chairman Medical Imaging Research Center, UZ Leuven, Leuven, BE
10h00-10h45KEYNOTE LECTURE II by Prof. Christiaan Van Hoof
"The OnePlanet Research Center – Applying nanoelectronics and AI in food, health, agriculture and environment"
Vice president Connected Health Solutions, imec, Leuven, BE
10h45-11h15COFFEE BREAK
11h15-12h00KEYNOTE LECTURE III Prof. Celine Vens
"Interpretable models for biological network mining"
Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Kulak Kortrijk Campus, KU Leuven ITEC, KU Leuven – imec, Kortrijk, BE
12h00-13h00CONTRIBUTED TALKS (12 minutes talk and 3 minutes discussion)
  • 12h00-12h15:
    Jaak Simm, Edward De Brouwer, Adam Arany, Yves Moreau (ESAT-Stadius, KU Leuven): "Dealing with sporadic observations for critical care patient trajectories"
  • 12h15-12h30:
    Ahmed Y.A. Amer, J. Vranken, F. Wouters, D. Mesotten, P. Vandervoort, V. Storms, S. Luca, J.-M. Aerts, B. Vanrumste (E-MEDIA Campus Group T, KU Leuven, Univ. Ghent, ZOL, UHasselt): "Towards a clinical insight into ICU mortality using machine learning"
  • 12h30-12h45:
    Mathias De Brouwer, Pieter Bonte, Filip De Turck, Femke Ongenae (Ghent University- imec IDLab): "Supporting ambient-intelligent healthcare interventions through cascading reasoning"
  • 12h45-13h00:
    Ben Luijten, Frederik de Bruijn, Harold Schmeitz, Massimo Mischi, Yonina Eldar, Ruud van Sloun (TU/e, Philips Research, Eindhoven, NL; Weizman Institute of Science, Israel) : "Adaptive ultrasound beamforming through model-aware intelligent agents"
13h00-14h00LUNCH BREAK in the saloons of Arenberg castle
13h30-14h00Annual business meeting of the IEEE EMBS Benelux chapter (in the Chapel of Arenberg castle)
13h45-14h10The poster presenters WALK TO HEALTH HOUSE
14h00-14h25The remaining participants WALK TO HEALTH HOUSE

Afternoon Session

Venue: Health House, Gaston Geenslaan 11 –Building B4, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

14h10-14h30Hanging up the posters in two rooms FOREST and SQUARE (conform assigned label)
14h30-15h00Start of poster presentations
15h00-16h30Group 1: Visit to Health House
Group 2: Poster presentations
16h30-18h00Group 2: Visit to Health House
Group 1: Poster presentations
18h00END of visit and poster session, WALK to Arenberg castle
19h00-22h00Conference dinner in restaurant Voltaire (if preregistered)

Venue: Voltaire, Jules Vandenbemptlaan 6a, 3001 Leuven, BE


You can find the abstracts here.


You can find the list of presented posters here.
