
Group 1 : odd numbers
Poster presentation from 16h30 to 18h00

Group 2 : even numbers
Poster presentation from 15h00 to 16h30

P1M. LippeveldClassification of human white blood cells using machine learning for stain-free imaging flow cytometry
P2F.N. HaredashtPredicting survival outcomes in the presence of unlabeled data
P3C. PuriPregnancy weight gain estimation with federated learning
P4B. FiltjensA convolutional neural network for detecting gait events in patients with Parkinson's disease
P5E. De KeersmaeckerEffect of manipulating optic flow speed by means of immersive virtual reality on active participation during robot-assisted treadmill walking in healthy adults
P6M. Rahimi-GorjiA numerical simulation of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) : validation part
P7D. ZhaiData-driven investigation of physiological signal and subjective reports from ambulatory smoking events
P8D. HendrikxNeurocardiovascular graphs : creating understanding about neonatal physiology in the perioperative period
P9N. SeeuwsUnsupervised deep feature extraction for neonatal sleep stage classification
P10J. MoeyersonsCardiorespiratory coupling and gas exchange during exercise, bridging the gap
P11J. DanLow-complexity algorithm for absence seizure detection in wearable electroencephalography
P12A. VillaMulti-way kernel spectral feature selector
P13A. ErolCharacterization of the functional ultrasound signal
P14J. SimmDealing with sporadic observations for critical care patient trajectories
P15E. FotiadouDeep convolutional encoder-decoder framework for fetal ECG signal denoising
P16G. VandewieleDetecting contractions in electrohysterogram recordings using gradient boosting
P17H. MoghaddasiTensor-based detection of atrial fibrillation in ECG signals
P18J. YpermanDeciphering the morphology of motor evoked potentials
P19L. BogatuInsights into oscillometry : An experimental approach for improvement of cuff-based blood pressure measurement technology
P20L. EerikäinenAtrial fibrillation and atrial flutter detection from wrist-worn photoplethysmography data
P21L. van KnippenbergAngle-independent cross-sectional Doppler method for free-hand flow estimation in the CCA
P22M. LavangaPerinatal stress quantification in preterm infants
P23T. BeckerMachine learning analysis of motor evoked potential time series to predict disability progression in multiple sclerosis
P24T. De CoomanPersonalized multimodal detection of focal seizures using behind-the-ear EEG and heart rate
P25T. Van SteenkisteBranched fusion model with backward shortcut connections for sleep apnea classification
P26Y. ZhangBathroom activity classification using accelerometer data
P27E. PeriSingular value decomposition for ECG removal from trunk electromyographic recording
P28A.Y.A. AmerTowards a clinical insight into ICU mortality using machine learning
P29M. De BrouwerSupporting ambient-intelligent healthcare interventions through cascading reasoning
P30D. Vander MijnsbruggeData-driven prediction of piperacillin/tazobactam concentrations for ICU patients in a continuous infusion therapy
P31T. BakkesPrediction of post-operative patient deterioration using machine learning
P32P. Van GorpEvaluation of personalized persuasive messaging for helath behavior change
P33A. MaesA deep learning approach on multivariate medical time series for the detection of sepsis
P34S.P. OeiTowards early sepsis detection from basic physiological measurements at the ward through machine learning
P35A. PanfilovaEvaluation of the generalized finite amplitude insert substitution method for estimation of the ultrasound parameter of nonlinearity
P36B. LuijtenAdaptive ultrasound beamforming through model-aware intelligent agents
P37A. PanfilovaAcoustic characterization of antibubbles for contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging
P38I. HuijbenDeep probabilistic sampling and signal recovery for sub –Nyquist Doppler ultrasound
P39P. AstudilloEchocardiographic analysis with deep learning : from cardiac cycle classification to cardiac output regression
P40P. ChenJoint estimation of LV flow & pressure patterns by contrast ultrasound at low frame rates
P41S.A. SanchezEvaluation of different resolution decomposition techniques and neural networks in virtual dual energy imaging
P42Y. HuangPrediction of embryo implantation by machine learning based on ultrasound analysis of uterine motion
P43M. van HelvoortIndustrial-grade verification and validation of evolving systems in healthcare
P44A. van DiepenTowards modelling of patient-ventilator interaction using model based methods
P45M. BarzegariComputational modeling of biodegradation of metallic biomaterials
P46S. BekiszComputational and mathematical lymphangiogenesis : Development of an intracellular network model in lymphatic endothelial cells
P47T. VauletModelling kidney transplant biopsies with a mixture of independent poisson distributions
P48N. Simões-CapelaBody mass index evolution during treatment for eating disorders : preliminary results
P49M. FirouziImmediate effects of the honda walking assist on spatiotemporal gait characteristics in individuals after stroke