dd June 2021

CV Bart De Moor

  • Names : De Moor, Bart, Lodewijk, René
  • Date of birth : July 12, 1960
  • Nationality : Belgian
  • Married to Hilde Devoghel, three children : Thomas (1992), Hannah (1994), Jakob (2000)
  • Address : Parklaan 5, 3360 Lovenjoel
  • Phone : +32(0)475 28 70 52
  • Email : bart.demoor@esat.kuleuven.be
  • URL web site : www.bartdemoor.be
  • Researcher unique identifier : ORCID


  • Scientific Disciplines  :
    • Numerical (multi-) linear algebra and algebraic geometry (generalized singular value decompositions, multi-dimensional SVD, generalized linear complementary problems, quantum information theory, numerical linear algebra approach to rooting sets of polynomial equations)
    • Dynamical System Theory and Identification, data science, machine learning (subspace identification, support vector machines)
    • Advanced Control Theory (observers, computer aided control system design)
  •  Application Areas :
    • Industry 4.0 : Subspace system identification and control of the synthesis section of a Urea plant, of the dipping section of a capsule manufacturing process, data driven identification of several Belgiun river basins (flood avoidance), forecasting models for indoor CO2 concentration, modelling (prevention of) flutter for airplane wings, model-based data assimilation for microclimate air-quality forecasting, smart grid Belgian electrical load forecasting (3000 transformers, sampled every 15 min during 5 years)
    • Medicial decision support systems (DSS) : Belgian health insurance prescription records analysis, automation of intensive care DSS, algorithms for automated PCR analysis, hospital prediction of duration stay software
  • Publications : Books, papers, other
  •  Bibliometry
  •  Mentorship
    • 1991-now : Promotor of 82 PhD theses (see Mathematical Genealogy), all worldwide active in academia (30 %), industry (60 %), government agencies (10 %)
    • 1991-now : Host of 46 postdoctoral researchers and visiting professors
    • 1991-now : Promotor of 200+ master theses in masters mathematical engineering, statistics, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, electrical engineering
  • Coordinator of and contributor to numerous research projects, funded by regional, Belgian and European funding agencies and third parties (full list www.bartdemoor.be)
  • Reviews :
    • Regular reviewer for journals of IEEE, SIAM, IFAC and their major conferences, regular proposal reviewer for Belgian and European Funding Agencies and jury member
  • Science Outreach
  • 1997 : Program Chairman of European Control Conference, Brussels, 750 attendees
  • 2004 : Chair of the Conference of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, 600 attendees
  • 2019 : Organizer of the Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houthalen, 150 attendees
  • At numerous occasions : Member of the organizing/program committees of the Conference on Systems Identification (SYSID), European Control Conference (ECC), Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, ...
  • KU Leuven : Courses on System Theory and Control, Computer Aided Control System Design, System Identification, Case studies in Mathematical Engineering, Entrepreneurship
  • Graduate (PhD) courses in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, USA

  • 2018-present : Scientific architect and coordinator of Flanders AI Program (32 mio €/year), involving universities, research institutes and industry
  • 2020-present : Chairman of the Board of FAIA (Flanders AI Academy)
  • 2018-present : Member ESGAB (European Statistical Governance Advisory Board, nominated by the European Council decision 18/12/2017 (2017/C 439/03))
  • 2017-2018 : 'Sherpa' for Belgium in the European High Performance Computing Initiative
  • 2016-2018 : Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Science Europe
  • 2016-present : Member Int. Scientific Advisory Board of Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
  • Assessements
    • 2021 : Member of the assessment committee of KTH, Stockholm
    • 2020-2021 : Chairman of the assessment committee of the Electrical Engineering Institute Nicola Tesla
    • 2015-2019 : Chairman University Research Policy Assessment Committee, Finish Academy of Sciences
    • 2015-2019 : Member committeeof the Villum Young Investigator Grants of the Velux Foundation, Denmark
    • 2015-present : Member of committees in the Swedish, Norwegian, Irish and Luxembourg Science/Research councils
    • 2013-2020 : Member Panel Starters Grant Computer Sciences European Research Council
    • 2013-2014 : Member National Tenure Track Commission for Control and Automation in Italy
    • 2010-2012 : Chairman of the Education Assessment Panel (for NVAO) as well as the Research Assessment Panel of Electrical Engineering University Departments in The Netherlands
    • 2006-2008 : Selection Committees member for Linnaeus Centers of Excellence (Sweden) and UNIK (Denmark)
  • 2014-present : member Board AstraZeneca Foundation
  • 2013-present : Member Board Trustees Danish National Research Foundation