Personal Homepage of Claudia Diaz
(Part-Time) Associate
Professor at COSIC
KU Leuven
Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, B-3001
Leuven (Belgium)
Office: B01.28
Phone: +32 (0)16 32 18 14
Email: claudia.diaz (at)
Short Bio
I am a part-time Associate Professor
at the COSIC
research group of the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) at the KU Leuven, working
on Privacy
I hold a Master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering from
the University of Vigo (2000) and a Ph.D. in Engineering from
the KU Leuven (doctoral dissertation on Anonymity
and Privacy in Electronic Services, 2005). I was supported
by a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Fund for
Scientific Research in Flanders (FWO)
between 2009 and 2012. I was a full-time faculty member from
2010 to 2022, working part-time since 2022. Since 2019 I am
Chief Scientist at Nym
Technologies SA.
My research is focused on the
design, analysis, and applications of technologies to protect
online privacy, and in particular technologies that offer
protection for metadata to prevent surveillance, traffic
analysis, tracking, localization and profiling.
Below you can find all the details of my research,
teaching, and academic service activities.
Note: I
am only working part-time (10%) at KU Leuven, with the
consequent reduction in academic activities. I am not
taking any new students. If you want to apply to COSIC,
please check out the
group's vacancies as my colleagues may have open
positions. Applications sent to me will be ignored.
Publications Awards Committees Teaching
Team Projects Events Talks
Scholar page
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Lightweight Approaches for Latency Minimization in
Mixnets with Practical Deployment Considerations.
Mahdi Rahimi, Piyush Kumar Sharma, Claudia Diaz. Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'25), 19 pages,
- MixMatch:
Flow Matching for Mixnet Traffic. Lennart
Oldenburg, Marc Juarez, Enrique Argones Rua, Claudia Diaz.
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)
2024.2, 19 pages, 2024.
- Blending
Different Latency Traffic With Beta Mixing.
Iness Ben Guirat, Debajyoti Das, Claudia Diaz. Proceedings
on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) 2024.2, 15 pages,
- LARMix:
Latency-Aware Routing in Mix Networks. Mahdi
Rahimi, Piyush Kumar Sharma, Claudia Diaz. Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'24), 18 pages,
- Are
continuous stop-and-go mixnets provably secure?
Debajyoti Das, Claudia Diaz, Aggelos Kiayias and Thomas
Zacharias. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PoPETs) 2024.4, 19 pages, 2024.
- Mixnet
Traffic Analysis by Adversaries with Partial Visibility.
Iness Ben Guirat, Claudia Diaz, Karim Eldefrawy, and Hadas
Zeilberger. In European Symposium on Research in Computer
Security (ESORICS 2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, 16 pages, 2023.
- On
the Anonymity of Peer-To-Peer Network Anonymity Schemes
Used by Cryptocurrencies. Piyush Kumar Sharma,
Devashish Gosain, Claudia Diaz. Network and Distributed
System Security Symposium (NDSS'23), 18 pages, 2023.
- Reward
Sharing for Mixnets. Claudia Diaz, Harry Halpin,
Aggelos Kiayias. Journal of Cryptoeconomic Systems, Volume
2, Issue 1. June 13, 2022.
- VerLoc:
Verifiable Localization in Decentralized Systems.
Katharina Kohls, Claudia Diaz. Usenix Security Symposium
(USENIX'22), 18 pages, 2022.
- Mixnet
optimization methods. Iness Ben Guirat, Claudia
Diaz. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)
2022.3, 22 pages, 2022.
- From
"Onion Not Found" to Guard Discovery. Lennart
Oldenburg, Gunes Acar, Claudia Diaz. Proceedings on Privacy
Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) 2022.1, 22 pages, 2022.
- Mix
Networks. Claudia Diaz. Encyclopedia of
Cryptography, Security and Privacy. Sushil Jajodia,
Pierangela Samarati, Moti Yung (Eds), Springer, Berlin,
Heidelberg, 5 pages, April 2022.
MiXiM: Mixnet Design Decisions and Empirical Evaluation.
Iness Ben Guirat, Devashish Gosain, Claudia Diaz. 20th ACM
Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2021),
ACM, 5 pages, 2021.
- Less
is More: A privacy-respecting Android malware classifier
using Federated Learning. Rafa Galvez, Veelasha
Moonsamy, Claudia Diaz. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing
Technologies (PoPETs) 2021.4, 20 pages, 2021.
- Encrypted
DNS ⇒ Privacy? A Traffic Analysis Perspective.
Sandra Siby, Marc Juarez, Claudia Diaz, Narseo
Vallina-Rodriguez, Carmela Troncoso. In Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'20), IEEE
Internet Society, 18 pages, 2020.
- Inside
Job: Applying Traffic Analysis to Measure Tor from
Within. Rob Jansen, Marc Juarez, Rafael Galvez,
Tariq Elahi, and Claudia Diaz. In Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'18), IEEE
Internet Society, 16 pages, 2018.
- A
Survey on Routing in Anonymous Communication Protocols.
Fatemeh Shirazi, Milivoj Simeonovski, Rizwan Asghar, Michael
Backes, and Claudia Diaz. In ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),
vol. 51(3), article 51, 39 pages, 2018.
- How
Unique is Your. onion? An Analysis of the
Fingerprintability of Tor Onion Services.
Rebekah Overdorf, Mark Juarez, Gunes Acar, Rachel
Greenstadt, Claudia Diaz. In ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security (CCS'17), pp. 2021-2036, 2017.
- Towards
inferring communication patterns in online social
networks. Ero Balsa, Cristina Perez-Sola,
Claudia Diaz. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)
17(3), Article 32, 21 pages, 2017.
- Toward
an Efficient Website Fingerprinting Defense.
Marc Juarez, Mohsen Imani, Mike Perry, Claudia Diaz, Matthew
Wright. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
(ESORICS), Springer LNCS 9878, pp. 27-46, 2016.
- Privacy
in Location-Based Services: An Interdisciplinary
Approach. Michael Herrmann, Mireille
Hildebrandt, Laura Tielemans, Claudia Diaz. SCRIPTed - A Journal of
Law, Technology & Society 13(2):144-170, 2016.
- Profiling
Tor Users with Unsupervised Learning Techniques.
Rafael Galvez, Marc Juarez, Claudia Diaz. International
Workshop on Inference and Privacy in a Hyperconnected World
(INFER). De Gruyter, 16p., 2016.
- Leaky
birds: exploiting mobile application traffic for
surveillance. Eline Vanrykel, Gunes Acar,
Michael Herrmann, Claudia Diaz. International Conference on
Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Springer LNCS
9603, pp. 367-384, 2016.
- Engineering
Privacy by Design Reloaded. Seda Gurses, Carmela
Troncoso, Claudia Diaz. Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC),
21p., 2015.
- The
leaking battery: A privacy analysis of the HTML5
Battery Status API. Lukasz Olejnik, Gunes
Acar, Claude Castelluccia, Claudia Diaz. International
Workshop on Data Privacy Management, Springer LNCS 9481, 8p., 2015
- Towards
Measuring Resilience in Anonymous Communication
Networks. Fatemeh Shirazi, Claudia Diaz,
and Joss Wright. Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on
Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2015), ACM,
pp. 95-99, 2015.
- Tor
Experimentation Tools. Fatemeh Shirazi,
Matthias Gohring, and Claudia Diaz. In Proceedings of IEEE
Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), International
Workshop on Privacy Engineering (IWPE),
IEEE, pp. 206 - 213, 2015.
- The
Web never forgets: Persistent tracking mechanisms in
the wild. Gunes Acar, Christian Eubank, Steven
Englehardt, Marc Juarez, Arvind Narayanan, and Claudia
Diaz. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
Security (ACM
CCS 2014), ACM, pp. 674-689, 2014. [Acceptance rate 19%, 114/585]
- A
Critical Evaluation of Website Fingerprinting Attacks.
Marc Juarez, Sadia Afroz, Gunes Acar, Claudia Diaz, and
Rachel Greenstadt, In ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security (ACM CCS 2014),
ACM, pp. 263-274, 2014. [Acceptance
rate 19%, 114/585]
- Censorship-Resistant
and Privacy-Preserving Distributed Web Search.
Michael Herrmann, Ren Zhang, Kai-Chun Ning, Claudia Diaz,
and Bart Preneel, In 14th IEEE International Conference on
Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2014)
IEEE, pp. 1-10, 2014.
- Practical
Privacy-Preserving Location-Sharing Based Services
with Aggregate Statistics. Michael Herrmann,
Alfredo Rial, Claudia Diaz, and Bart Preneel. In
Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Security and
Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2014),
ACM, 12 pages, 2014.
- Optimizing
the design parameters of threshold pool mixes for
anonymity and delay. David Rebollo-Monedero,
Javier Parra-Arnau, Jordi Forne, and Claudia Diaz. In Computer
Networks vol. 67, pp. 180-200, 2014.
- Spiny
CACTOS: OSN users attitudes and perceptions towards
cryptographic access control tools. Ero Balsa,
Laura Brandimarte, Alessandro Acquisti, Claudia Diaz and
Seda Gurses. In Proceedings of Workshop on Usable Security
(USEC 2014),
10 pages, 2014.
- FPDetective:
Dusting the web for fingerprinters.
Gunes Acar, Marc Juarez, Nick Nikiforakis, Claudia Diaz,
Seda Gurses, Frank Piessens, and Bart Preneel. To appear
in Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security (ACM
CCS 2013), ACM, 12 pages, 2013. [Acceptance rate 19%, 105/530]
- Optimal
Sporadic Location Privacy Preserving Systems in
Presence of Bandwidth Constraints. Michael
Herrmann, Carmela Troncoso, Claudia Diaz, and Bart
Preneel. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Workshop on
Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2013), ACM,
12 pages, 2013. [Acceptance
rate (full papers) 19%, 20/103]
- Two tales of privacy in
online social networks. Seda Gurses and
Claudia Diaz. In IEEE
Security & Privacy Magazine Vol. 11(3):29-37,
Special Issue on Social Networks, May/June 2013.
- Hero
or Villain: The Data Controller in Privacy Law and
Technologies. Claudia Diaz, Omer Tene, and
Seda Gürses. Ohio State Law Journal 74(6):923-964, 2013.
- On
the Measurement of Privacy as an Attacker's Estimation
Error. David Rebollo-Monedero, Javier
Parra-Arnau, Claudia Diaz, and Jordi Forne. In
International Journal of Information Security (IJIS),
volume 12, number 2, pages 129-149, 2013.
- OB-PWS: Obfuscation-Based
Private Web Search. Ero Balsa, Carmela
Troncoso, and Claudia Diaz. In IEEE Symposium on Security
and Privacy (IEEE
S&P 2012) SoK, IEEE, pp. 491-505, 2012. [Acceptance rate 13%, 40/307]
- A
Metric to Evaluate Interaction Obfuscation in Online
Social Networks. Ero Balsa, Carmela Troncoso,
and Claudia Diaz. International Journal of Uncertainty,
Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS),
Vol. 20, No. 6, pages 877-892, 2012.
On the difficulty of achieving anonymity for
Vehicle-2-X communication. Carmela
Troncoso, Enrique Costa-Montenegro, Claudia Diaz, and
Stefan Schiffner. In Computer
Networks, Special Issue on Deploying Vehicle-2-x
Communication, volume 55, issue 14, pp. 3199-3210, 2011.
- Engineering
Privacy by Design. Seda Gurses, Carmela Troncoso,
and Claudia Diaz. In Conference on Computers, Privacy
& Data Protection (CPDP 2011),
25 pages (pre-print), 2011. [Acceptance rate 26%, 14/52]
- Unraveling an Old Cloak:
k-anonymity for Location Privacy. Reza
Shokri, Carmela Troncoso, Claudia Diaz, Julien Freudiger,
and Jean-Pierre Hubaux. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM
workshop on Privacy in the electronic society (WPES 2010), K.
Frikken (ed.), ACM, pp. 115-118, 2010. [Acceptance rate 31%, 15/48]
- Impact
of Network Topology on Anonymity and Overhead in
Low-Latency Anonymity Networks. Claudia Diaz,
Steven J. Murdoch, and Carmela Troncoso. In Proceedings of
the 10th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2010), M.
Atallah and N. Hopper (Eds), Springer LNCS 6205, pp.
184-201, 2010. [Acceptance
rate 28%, 16/57]
- Drac:
An Architecture for Anonymous Low-Volume Communications.
George Danezis, Claudia Diaz, Carmela Troncoso, and Ben
Laurie. In Proceedings of the 10th Privacy Enhancing
Technologies Symposium (PETS 2010), M.
Atallah and N. Hopper (Eds), Springer LNCS 6205, pp.
202-219, 2010. [Acceptance
rate 28%, 16/57]
- The
wisdom of Crowds: attacks and optimal
constructions. George Danezis,
Claudia Diaz, Emilia Kasper,
and Carmela Troncoso. In
Procceedings of the 14th European Symposium on Research in
Computer Security (ESORICS
2009), M. Backes and P. Ning (Eds), Springer LNCS
5789, pp. 406-423, 2009. [Acceptance
rate 19%, 42/220]
- Privacy-Enabling
Social Networking over Untrusted Networks.
Jonathan Anderson, Claudia Diaz, Joseph Bonneau, and Frank Stajano. In Proceedings of the 2nd
ACM Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN
2009), pp. 1-6, 2009. [Acceptance rate 35%, 11/31]
- Privacy
Preserving Electronic Petitions.
Claudia Diaz, Eleni Kosta, Hannelore
Dekeyser, Markulf Kohlweiss,
and Girma Nigusse. In Journal of Identity in
the Information Society (IDIS),
vol. 1, pp. 203-219, 2009.
- A
Framework for the Analysis of Mix-Based
Steganographic File Systems. Claudia
Diaz, Carmela Troncoso and Bart Preneel. In 13th European
Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2008),
S. Jajodia, and J. Lopez (Eds), Springer LNCS 5283, pp.
428-445, 2008. [Acceptance
rate 22%, 37/168]
- Revisiting
A Combinatorial Approach Toward Measuring Anonymity.
Benedikt Gierlichs,
Carmela Troncoso, Claudia
Diaz, Bart Preneel, and
Ingrid Verbauwhede, In
Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2008),
V. Atluri , and M. Winslett (Eds.), pp. 111-116, ACM Press, 2008. [Acceptance rate 35%, 15/42]
- On
the Impact of Social Network Profiling on Anonymity.
Claudia Diaz, Carmela Troncoso
and Andrei Serjantov. In
Proceedings of the 8th Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Symposium (PETS'08),
N. Borisov and I. Goldberg (Eds), Springer LNCS 5134, pp.
44-62, 2008. [Acceptance
rate 26%, 13/49]
- Does additional information always reduce anonymity? Claudia
Diaz, Carmela Troncoso and George Danezis. In Proceedings
of the 6th ACM
Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'07),
[Acceptance rate 33%,
- Efficient
Negative Databases from Cryptographic Hash Functions.
George Danezis, Claudia Diaz, Sebastian Faust, Emilia Kasper, Carmela Troncoso and Bart Preneel. In
Proceedings of the 10th Information Security Conference (ISC'07), J. Garay et al. (Eds.), Springer
LNCS 4779, pp. 423-436, 2007. [Acceptance rate 25%, 29/116]
- Two-Sided
Statistical Disclosure Attack. George
Danezis, Claudia Diaz and Carmela Troncoso. In Proceedings
of the 7th Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET'07), N. Borisov and P. Golle (Eds),
Springer LNCS 4776, pp. 30-44, 2007. [Acceptance rate 19%, 16/84]
- Traffic
Analysis Attacks on a Continuously-Observable
Steganographic File System. Carmela
Troncoso, Claudia Diaz, Orr Dunkelman
and Bart Preneel. In
proceedings of 9th Information Hiding (IH'07), T. Furon et al. (Eds),
Springer LNCS 4567, pp. 220-236, 2007. [Acceptance rate 23%, 25/106]
- Space-Efficient
Private Search. George Danezis and
Claudia Diaz. In the Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Financial Cryptography and
Data Security (FC'07),
S. Dietrich and R. Dhamija (Eds), Springer LNCS 4886, pp.
148-162, 2007. [Acceptance
rate 20%, 17/85]
- Mix
Cascades vs. Peer-to-Peer: Is One Concept Superior?.
Rainer Bohme, George Danezis, Claudia Diaz, Stefan Kopsell, and Andreas Pfitzman. In the proceedings of
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET'04), D. Martin and A. Serjantov
(Eds), Springer
3424, pp. 243-255, 2004.
- Comparison
between two practical mix designs.
Claudia Diaz, Len Sassaman
and Evelyne Dewitte. Computer Security (ESORICS'04). P.
Samarati et al. (Eds), Springer
LNCS 3193, pp. 141-159, 2004. [Acceptance rate 17%, 27/159]
- Taxonomy
of Mixes and Dummy Traffic. Claudia
Diaz and Bart Preneel. In Information Security Management,
Education and Privacy (I-NetSec'04). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Y. Deswarte, F. Cuppens,
S. Jajodia and L. Wang (Eds), ISBN 1-4020-8144-8, Vol. 3
pp. 215-230, 2004.
- Reasoning
about the Anonymity Provided by Pool Mixes that
Generate Dummy Traffic. Claudia Diaz
and Bart Preneel. Information Hiding (IH'04).
Fridrich (Ed.), Springer
3200, pp. 309-325, 2004. [Acceptance rate 35%, 25/70]
- Anonymous
communication. Claudia Diaz and Bart
Preneel. WHOLES
- A Multiple View of Individual Privacy in a Networked
World. Internet publication, 7 p., 2004.
- Generalising Mixes.
Claudia Diaz and Andrei Serjantov.
In the proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET'03). R. Dingledine (Ed.), Springer
2760, pp. 18-31, 2003. [Acceptance rate 26%, 14/52]
- Revocable
anonymous access to the Internet. Joris Claessens,
Claudia Diaz, Caroline Goemans,
Bart Preneel, Joos Vandewalle
and Jos Dumortier.
of Internet Research: Electronic Networking
Applications and Policy, Volume 13, Number 4, pages
242--258, 2003.
Anonymity and Privacy in Electronic Services.
Claudia Diaz, Joris Claessens and Bart Preneel. In
Journal DuD (Datenschutz
und Datensicherheit),
27(3):143-145, 2003.
- Information
Theory and anonymity. Claudia Diaz, Joris Claessens,
Stefaan Seys
and Bart Preneel. Werkgemeenschap
voor Informatie en Communicatietheorie. B. Macq and
J.-J. Quisquater (Eds), pp. 179-186, 2002.
- Towards
measuring anonymity. Claudia Diaz, Stefaan Seys,
Joris Claessens
and Bart Preneel. Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PET'02). R. Dingledine and P. Syverson (Eds),
2482, pp. 54-68, 2002.[Acceptance
rate 35%, 17/47]
Journals and Books
- Financial
Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2021) (54
articles). Nikita Borisov and Claudia Diaz
(Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.
12674, ISSN 0302-9743, Springer.
- Proceedings
on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) volume
2017 (4 issues, 52 articles).
Claudia Diaz, Rachel Greenstadt and Damon McCoy
(Eds.). ISSN 2299-0984. De Gruyter Open.
- Proceedings
on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) volume
2016 (4 issues, 51 articles). Claudia
Diaz and Apu Kapadia (Eds.). ISSN 2299-0984. De Gruyter
- Computer
Security - ESORICS 2011. Proceedings of the 16th
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
Leuven, Belgium, September 12-14, 2011. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 6879, Vijay Atluri and
Claudia Diaz (Eds.), 686 pages, Springer.
Invited Papers and Book Chapters
- Understanding
the landscape of privacy technologies.
Claudia Diaz and Seda Gurses. Extended abstract of invited
talk in proceedings of the Information Security Summit,
pp. 58-63, 2012.
- Systems
for Anonymous Communication. George
Danezis, Claudia Diaz, and Paul Syverson.
Chapter in CRC Handbook
of Financial Cryptography and Security, CRC
Cryptography and Network Security Series, B. Rosenberg,
and D. Stinson (Eds.), Chapman & Hall, pp. 341-390,
- Accountable
Anonymous Communication. Claudia Diaz
and Bart Preneel. Chapter in Security, Privacy and Trust
in Modern Data Management, M. Petkovic
and W. Jonker (Eds), ISBN: 978-3-540-69860-9, pp.
239-256, Springer,
- Anonymity
Metrics Revisited.
Claudia Diaz. In Anonymous
Communication and its Applications, In Anonymous
Communication and its Applications, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings
number 0541.
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fur Informatik
(IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, S. Dolev,
R. Ostrovsky, and A. Pfitzmann (Eds),
6 pages, 2006.
- Improving
the Decoding Efficiency of Private Search.
George Danezis and Claudia Diaz. In Anonymous
Communication and its Applications, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings
number 0541.
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fur Informatik
(IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, S. Dolev,
R. Ostrovsky, and A. Pfitzmann (Eds),
11 pages, 2006.
PhD thesis
- Anonymity
and Privacy in Electronic Services. Claudia Diaz. Ph.D.
Thesis. Katholieke Univesiteit Leuven, 2005.
Technical Reports, Abstracts and Posters
- The
Nym Network. Claudia Diaz, Harry Halpin, Aggelos
Kiayias. Whitepaper of Nym Technologies SA, version
1.0, 38 pages, February 26th 2021.
- Mixim:
A General Purpose Simulator for mixnet. Iness
Ben Guirat, Devashish Gosain, Claudia Diaz. In 13th Hot Topics in Privacy
Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs
2020), 3 pages, 2020.
- Multiparty
Routing: Secure Routing for Mixnets.
Fatemeh Shirazi, Elena Andreeva, Markulf Kohlweiss, Claudia
Diaz. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03387, 10 pages, 2017.
- Facebook
Tracking Through Social Plug-ins. Gunes Acar,
Brendan Van Alsenoy, Frank Piessens, Claudia Diaz, and
Bart Preneel. Technical report prepared for the Belgian Privacy
Commission, 24 pages, 2015.
- Towards
Measuring Resilience in Anonymous Communication
Networks. Fatemeh Shirazi, Claudia Diaz,
Ciaran Mullan, Joss Wright, and Johannes Buchmann. In 6th
Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs
2013), 9 pages, 2013.
- Hero
or Villain: The Data Controller in Privacy Law and
Technologies. Claudia Diaz, Omer Tene, and
Seda Gürses. Extended abstract presented at the Ohio
State Law Journal Symposium "The Second Wave of Global
Privacy Protection", 4 pages, 2012.
- A
Survey of Anonymous Communication Channels.
George Danezis and Claudia Diaz. Microsoft
Technical Report MSR-TR-2008-35, 46 pages,
February 2008.
- Mining
anonymized traffic data.
Claudia Diaz. Poster presentation at the NATO Advanced Study
Institute on Mining Massive Data Sets for Security.
Villa Cagnola, (Italy),
September 20, 2007. [poster]
- Anonymity Metrics Applied to Partial
Profiling. Claudia Diaz. FIDIS
2nd PhD Event. October 2005, 2 pages.
- Profiling Game. Claudia Diaz. FIDIS 1st PhD Event. January 2005, 4
- Anonymity and Mixes. Claudia Diaz. FIDIS 1st PhD Event. January 2005, 2
- A
secure and privacy-preserving web banner system for
targeted advertising. Joris Claessens, Claudia Diaz, Raimondo
Faustinelli and Bart Preneel. COSIC technical report, 31
pages, August 2003.
Awards and Media
- Winner of the 2024
Pfitzmann Best Student Paper Award with the
paper MixMatch:
Flow Matching for Mixnet Traffic (by Lennart
Oldenburg, Marc Juarez, Enrique Argones Rua, Claudia Diaz;
in Proc. on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, PoPETs 2024.2).
- Runner-up
to the 2018 PET
Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing
Technologies with the paper "How
Unique is Your .onion? An Analysis of the
Fingerprintability of Tor Onion Services" (by Rebekah Overdorf,
Marc Juarez, Gunes Acar, Rachel Greenstadt, and
Claudia Diaz; in Proc. of ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2017)
- Winner of the CNIL-INRIA
2018 Privacy Protection Award with the paper "Engineering
Privacy by Design Reloaded" (by Seda Gurses, Carmela
Troncoso, and Claudia Diaz; in Amsterdam Privacy Conference,
- Finalist for the CCS 2017 Best
Paper Award (11 finalists out of 836
submissions, of which 151 were accepted) with the paper "How
Unique is Your .onion? An Analysis of the
Fingerprintability of Tor Onion Services" (by Rebekah
Overdorf, Marc Juarez, Gunes Acar, Rachel
Greenstadt, and Claudia Diaz)
- Winner of
the Outstanding
Paper Award at ESORICS 2016 with the paper "Towards
an Efficient Website Fingerprinting Defense" (by
Marc Juarez, Mohsen Imani, Mike Perry, Claudia Diaz, and
Matthew Wright)
- Runner-up
to the 2015 PET
Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing
Technologies with the paper "FPDetective:
Dusting the Web for Fingerprinters" (by Gunes
Acar, Marc Juarez, Nick Nikiforakis, Claudia Diaz, Seda
Gurses, Frank Piessens, and Bart Preneel; in Proc. of
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
CCS 2013)
Committee Member
- 22nd Privacy
Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2022) (senior PC)
- 20th Privacy
Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2020)
- Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2020)
SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee (2019)
- 40th
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P 2019)
- 19th Privacy
Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2019)
- 18th Privacy
Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2018)
- Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2018)
- Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2016)
- 15th Privacy
Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2015)
- Award for
Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PET Award 2015)
- International
Workshop on Privacy Engineering (IWPE 2015)
- Annual Privacy Forum 2015
- Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2015)
- Award for
Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PET Award 2014)
- 14th Privacy
Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2014)
- 19th European
Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS
- Annual Privacy Forum 2014
Multidisciplinary Privacy Research Award 2014
- Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2014)
- Award for
Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PET Award 2013)
- 18th European
Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS
- 2nd
Usenix Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the
Internet (FOCI 2013)
Summerschool on Privacy and Identity Management 2013
- Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2013)
- Annual Privacy Forum 2013
- 17th European
Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS
- 15th
Information Security Conference (ISC 2012)
- 20th
Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX 2011)
- 11th Privacy
Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2011)
- 14th
Information Security Conference (ISC2011)
- Financial Cryptography and
Data Security (FC 2011)
- Workshop on Privacy
in the Electronic Society (WPES 2010)
- 15th European
Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS
- 10th
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2010)
- 13th
Information Security Conference (ISC 2010)
- 7th European
Workshop on Public Key Services, Applications and
Infrastructures (EuroPKI 2010)
- 3rd
Multidisciplinary Research Workshop on Identity in the
Information Society (IDIS 2010)
- Privacy on the
Web (track SAC 2010)
- Workshop on Privacy in
the Electronic Society (WPES 2009)
- 16th
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
(ACM CCS 2009)
- 9th
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2009)
International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and
Trust (PASSAT 2009)
- 4th
Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM 2009)
- 4th
Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS
- 6th
International ISC Conference on Information Security and
Cryptology (ISCISC 2009)
- 12th
Information Security Conference (ISC 2009)
- 6th
International Conference on Trust, Privacy &
Security in Digital Business (TrustBus 2009)
- Workshop
on Online Social Networks 2009 (WOSN 2009)
- International
Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis (PPDA 2009)
- 15th
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
(ACM CCS 2008)
- 8th
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2008)
- 11th
Information Security Conference (ISC 2008)
- Workshop on
Applications of Private and Anonymous Communications
(AlPACa 2008)
- International
Conference on E-Business (ICE-B 2008)
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE
- 14th
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
(ACM CCS 2007)
- 7th
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2007)
- 10th Information
Security Conference (ISC 2007)
- International Conference
on Security of Information and Networks (SIN/ABG 2007)
- International
on E-Business (ICE-B 2007)
- 2nd
SKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology
(InsCrypt 2006)
- 4th
Workshop on Internet Communications Security (WICS 2006)
Service as
journal scientific reviewer
I am not
currently teaching any courses.
Past courses
Between 2011 and 2021 I have
been the responsible lecturer for this course of the Master in Electrical Engineering:
Between 2014
and 2021 I have been the responsible lecturer for this course of the Master in Artificial Intelligence:
Between 2010 and 2021 I have given guest lectures in these
courses of the Law faculty:
From 2015 to 2019 I have been a member of the steering
committee of the summer school:
- Interdisciplinary
Summerschool on Privacy (ISP). This is an intensive
one-week acadelic post-graduate school covering technical,
legal, and social perspectives on privacy research. The
school takes place in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) in July.
The summerschool awards 2 ECTS credits.
Current PhD students:
Current Postdocs:
Graduated PhD students:
Ph.D. Assessor or Member of the Examination
Committee (KU Leuven)
- Gertjan
Franken, advisor: Wouter Joosen. Leuven, February
13, 2024.
- Kelong
Cong, advisor: Nigel Smart. Leuven, November 17,
- Younes
Talibi Alaoui, advisor: Nigel Smart. Leuven,
January 19, 2023.
- Christina-Angeliki Toli,
advisor: Bart Preneel. Leuven, November 23, 2018.
- Sara
Cleemput, advisor: Bart Preneel. Leuven, May 25 2018.
- Iraklis
Symeonidis, advisor: Bart Preneel. Leuven, May 25
- Rula
Sayaf, advisor: Dave Clarke. Leuven, June 28 2016.
- Filipe
Beato, advisor: Bart Preneel. Leuven, May 27,
- Roel
Verdult, joint with Radboud University Nijmegen,
advisors: Bart Jacobs and Ingrid Verbauwhede. Nijmegen
(The Netherlands), April 21, 2015.
- Josep
Balasch, joint with Radboud University
Nijmegen, advisors: Ingrid Verbauwhede and Bart Jacobs.
Nijmegen (The Netherlands), March 11, 2014.
- Alfredo
Rial, advisor: Bart Preneel. Leuven, April 24,
- Patrik
Bichsel, joint with IBM Research Zurich, advisors:
Bart Preneel and Jan Camenisch. Leuven, March 15, 2012.
- Seda Gurses
advisors: Bettina Berendt and Bart Preneel. Leuven, May
28, 2010.
- Markulf
Kohlweiss advisor: Bart Preneel. Leuven, March
30, 2010.
Ph.D. Examination Committees (as
external member)
- Ludovic Barman (EPFL,
Ph.D. advisors: Jean-Pierre Hubaux and Bryan Ford).
Lausanne (Switzerland). June 22, 2021.
- Erik
Sy (University of Hamburg, Ph.D. advisor: Hannes
Federrath). Hamburg (Germany). June 23, 2020.
- Balazs
Pejo (University of Luxembourg, Ph.D. advisor:
Peter Ryan). Luxembourg (Luxembourg),
September 9, 2019.
- Katharina
Kohls (Ruhr-University Bochum, Ph.D. advisors:
Christina Popper and Thorsten Holz). Bochum (Germany),
July 5, 2019.
- Florentin
Rochet (Universite catholique de Louvain, Ph.D.
advisor: Olivier Pereira). Louvain La Neuve (Belgium),
September 25, 2018.
- Jonathan Andrew (European
University Institute, Ph.D. advisor: Deirdre Curtin).
Florence (Italy), February 9, 2018.
- Per
Hallgren (Chalmers University of Technology, Ph.D.
advisor: Andrei Sabelfeld). Gothenburg (Sweden). October
20, 2017.
- Rebekah
Overdorf (Drexel University, Ph.D. advisor: Rachel
Greenstadt). Philadelphia (USA). September 12, 2017.
- Sophie
Mawet (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Ph.D.
advisor: Olivier Pereira). Louvain La Neuve (Belgium),
April 20, 2015.
- Ebenezer Paintsil
(Gjovik University College, Ph.D. advisors: Lothar
Fritsch and Einar Snekkenes). Gjovik (Norway), September
12, 2013. (I was opponent at the Ph.D. defense).
- Carlos
Hernandez Ganan (Universitat Politecnica de
Catalunya, Ph.D. advisors: Oscar Esparza and Jose Munoz
Tapia). Barcelona (Spain), September 4, 2013.
- Patricia Arias
Cabarcos (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Ph.D.
advisor: Florina Almenares Mendoza). Madrid (Spain),
April 30, 2013.
- Juan Vera del
Campo (Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Ph.D.
advisor: Josep Pegueroles Valles). Barcelona (Spain),
October 29, 2012.
- Matthijs Koot
(University of Amsterdam, Ph.D. advisors: Cees de Laat,
Michel Mandjes, Guido van 't Noordende). Amsterdam (The
Netherlands), June 27, 2012.
- Ghassan
Karame (ETH Zurich, Ph.D. advisor: Srdjan Capkun).
Zurich (Switzerland), September 6, 2011.
- Christer Andersson
(Karlstad University, Ph.D. advisor: Simone
Fischer-Hubner). Karlstad (Sweden), January 21, 2008. (I
was the opponent at the Ph.D. defense).
- Vicente
Benjumea (Universidad
de Malaga, Ph.D. advisor: Javier Lopez). Malaga (Spain),
November 22, 2007.
Master Students
As Thesis Promoter:
- (2023-24) Oscar
Perez Castillo (Erasmus ESAT). Daily
supervisors: Iness
Ben Guirat,
Lennart Oldenburg,
Das. Thesis: "Evaluating a Mixnet Based on
Threshold Cryptography Regarding its
Resilience-Cost Trade-Off".
- (2022-23) Alex Ternav
(Erasmus ESAT). Daily supervisors: Iness
Ben Guirat
and Asuman
Thesis: "The analysis of personal information
leakage on the online forms".
- (2022-23) Tim Vlummens (KU Leuven ESAT). Daily
and Asuman
Thesis: "Prevalance of Session Replay Scripts".
- (2020-21) Konstantinos Stefanidis Vozikis (KU Leuven
CS). Co-promoter: Frank Piessens. Daily supervisors: Gunes Acar
and Lennart
Oldenburg. Thesis: "A Distributed
Performance Measurement Tool for Tor Browser".
- (2020-21) Brecht Van der
Vliet (KU Leuven MAI). Daily
supervisor: Rafael
Thesis: "Improving resistance against poisoning
attacks in a federated malware classifier".
- (2020-21) Jowhar Ding (KU Leuven MAI). Daily
supervisor: Akash
Madhusudan. Thesis: "Privacy and
security assessment of Blockchain applications in
financial and banking sectors".
- (2020-21) Yongnian Zheng (KU
Leuven ESAT). Daily supervisor: Gunes Acar.
Thesis: "Longitudinal Analysis of Mobile and Web
- (2019-20) Pinaki Saha (KU Leuven
MAI). Daily supervisors:
Galvez and Enrique
Argones. Thesis: "Multi-tab
Website Fingerprinting in Tor".
- (2018-19) Fan Yang (KU Leuven CS). Daily supervisors: Marc
Juarez, Rafael Galvez
and Tomer
Ashur. Thesis: "Is Tor under a tag?
Detecting Tagging Attacks in Tor".
- (2017-18) Shirin Kalantari (KU Leuven CS). Daily supervisors: Marc
Juarez and Tom Van Goethem. Thesis: "Email
tracking: A study on its prevalence and the design of
- (2016-17) Yun-Chih Joy (KU
Leuven ESAT). Daily supervisors: Gunes
Acar and Rafael
Galvez. Thesis: "Passive WiFi scanning: a
viability study".
- (2016-17) Frederik Goovaerts (KU Leuven CS). Daily
supervisors: Gunes
Acar and Mathy Vanhoef. Thesis: "Passive
WiFi scanning for preventing network history
- (2016-17) Vera Rimmer (KU Leuven CS). Daily supervisors:
Balsa and Marc
Juarez. Thesis: "Deep
Learning Website Fingerprinting".
- (2015-16) Nidia Ximena
Robles Aguilar (KU Leuven MAI). Daily supervisors: Gunes
Acar and Marc
Juarez. Thesis: "Automatic Detection of Device
- (2014-15) Eline Vanrykel
(KU Leuven ESAT). Daily supervisors: Gunes
Acar and Michael
Herrmann. Thesis: "Passive Network Attacks on
Mobile Applications".
- (2013-14) Hugo Herter (KU
Leuven MAI). Daily supervisor: Ero
Balsa. Thesis: "Obfuscating Communication Profiles
in IM: Design and Implementation of a Dummy Traffic
Generator for Pidgin".
- (2013-14) Roger Ribas
(Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain). Daily
Michael Herrmann. Thesis: "Privacy Issues in
Mobile Applications for the Android Operating System".
- (2013-14) Kai-Chun Ning
(National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan). Daily
Michael Herrmann. Thesis: "Privacy Implications on
Distributed Web Search Engines".
- (2011-12) Kilian Rausch (TU
Munchen, Germany). Daily supervisor:
Michael Herrmann. Thesis: "Web Search Privacy -
Investigating Parameters of Today's Personalized Web
- (2011-12)
Simon Oya Diez (Universidade de Vigo, Spain) Daily
supervisors: Ero
Balsa and
Michael Herrmann. Thesis: "Analyzing the
Safebook online social network".
As Daily Supervisor:
- Together with Carmela,
I have supervised the master thesis of Evanthia
Theodoridou (K.U.Leuven) between October 2010 and May
2011. Evanthia worked on privacy threats and
solutions in assisted environments.
- Together with Carmela,
I have supervised the master thesis of Ero
Balsa (University of Vigo, Spain) between January
and September 2010. Ero worked on dummy traffic
strategies for traffic analysis resistant social
- Together with Carmela,
I have supervised the master thesis of Ana Peleteiro (University of Vigo,
Spain) between February and June 2009. Ana worked on the
simulation and comparison of GPS samples anonymization
- Together with Markulf, I have supervised
Josep Balasch
(Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain) between
February and July 2008. Josep
worked on a smart card implementation of an anonymous
credential protocol.
- Together with Carmela,
I have supervised the master thesis of Victor Sucasas (University of Vigo,
Spain) between February and July 2008. Victor
implemented an anonymous credential protocol.
- Together with Carmela,
I have supervised Tim Van Hoeck
(K.U.Leuven) between September 2007 and May 2008. Tim
implemented a Thunderbird Extension to collect email
traffic data.
- Together with Markulf, I have supervised
Rial (University of
Vigo, Spain) from September 2007 to March 2008. Alfredo
worked on oblivious transfer protocols, in particular on
Public-key Encryption with Oblivious Keyword Search, and
on Priced Oblivious Transfer.
- Together with Markulf, I have supervised
Girma Enideg
Nigusse (Royal Institute of
Technology (KTH), Sweden) from April to September 2007.
Girma has implemented an
electronic petition demonstrator based on the Idemix anonymous
- Together with Carmela,
I have supervised Venelin Gornishki (Sofia University,
Bulgaria) between February and June 2007. Venelin has implemented a
protocol for long-term secure archiving of documents,
which uses the Belgian e-ID for authentication and
digital signatures.
- I supervised Ovidiu Caba
(University of Oradea, Romania) between February and
June 2004. Ovidiu worked on
the implementation of a Graphical User Interface for the
MIXimulator .
- I supervised Raimondo Faustinelli
(Hogeschool van Utrecht, The
Netherlands) between November 2002 and July 2003. Raimondo developed a simulator
for mix networks, the MIXimulator.
I was supervisor from 2002 to 2004 of the crypto group for
the HJ82
design seminar.
As fellow:
- (2009-2012)
FWO Postdoctoral Fellow (full-time funded 3-year
postdoctoral researcher position)
As principal
investigator (PI):
As promoter (personal fellowships):
- (2020-2024) FWO PhD
Fellowship Lennart
Oldenburg (full-time funded 2+2 year
doctoral researcher position)
- (2015-2019) FWO PhD
Fellowship Marc
Juarez (full-time funded 2+2 year doctoral
researcher position)
- (2016
Feb-June) Senior Fellowship Rachel
Greenstadt, Drexel University (budget: visit 5
- (2015
Feb-June) Senior Fellowship Ian Goldberg,
University of Waterloo (budget: visit 4 months)
- (2014
June-July) Senior Fellowship Matthew Wright,
University of Texas, Arlington (budget: visit 1.5
As scientific coordinator:
- (2011-2014)
Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks (total
budget project: EUR 1 600 000).
As researcher:
- (2005-2009) IWT SBO ADAPID
(Advanced Applications for the Electronic ID Card in
- (2004-2009) EU IST FP6 FIDIS (Future of Identity
in the Information Society) Network of Excellence.
- (2000-2004) IWT SBO APES
(Anonymity and Privacy in Electronic Services).
Research visits
- 4th Interdisciplinary
Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2019)
- 3rd Interdisciplinary
Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2018)
- 2nd
Interdisciplinary Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2017)
- 1st Interdisciplinary
Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2016)
- Informal
workshop on Teaching Privacy Technologies. Amsterdam
(The Netherlands), July 14, 2014.
- Provable
Privacy Workshop. Vigo (Spain), July 9-10, 2012
(co-organized with Gregory
Neven, Jan
Camenisch, and Bart
- Interdisciplinary
Privacy Course. Leuven (Belgium), June 27-29,
- Interdisciplinary
Privacy Course. Leuven (Belgium), June 27-28,
- Privacy
in ITS Applications Workshop. Berlin (Germany),
July 20, 2010 (co-organized with Johann-Christoph
Freytag, Frank
Kargl, and Carmela Troncoso,
and with the support of Antonio Kung)
- Interdisciplinary
Privacy Course. Leuven (Belgium), June 23-24,
4th Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium),
November 17, 2009 (co-organized with Alfredo
- Workshop
on Future Privacy and Security Research Challenges in
Online Social Networks. Heverlee (Belgium),
November 5, 2009 (co-organized with Seda Gurses).
- Interdisciplinary
Privacy Course. Heverlee (Belgium), June 11, 16
and 22, 2009.
- 8th
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS'08).
Leuven (Belgium), July 23-25, 2008.
- Workshop
on Trustworthy Elections (WOTE'08). Leuven
(Belgium), July 22-23, 2008.
- FIDIS WP13 Workshop.
Leuven (Belgium), July 22, 2008.
- 3rd
ADAPID Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium), July 22, 2008
(co-organized with Carmela Troncoso).
- 2nd
ADAPID Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium),
September 28, 2007.
- 1st
ADAPID Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium),
September 26, 2006.
- FIDIS Workshop on Privacy
Fundamentals Heverlee (Belgium), July 25,
- 5th
APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium), November 23,
- 4th
APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium), September 24,
- 3rd
APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium), November 5,
- 2nd
APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium), November 21,
- 1st
APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium), April 19, 2001.
Talks, Panels, Podcasts
Podcasts in Spanish:
Talks with video available
- Nym
network: the next generation of privacy
infrastructure. Keynote at the 21st
International Conference on Cryptology and Network
Security (CANS). Abu Dhabi (UAE). November 14,
- Reward
Sharing for Mixnets. Invited seminar for the
Security Group at Cambridge University (online). June 7,
- Introduction
to network anonymity and mixnets. Guest
lecturer at the at the 8th Technion Summer School on
Cyber and Computer Security -- Privacy in Challenging
Times (online). September 10, 2020.
- Strong
network anonymity with mixnets. Invited talk
at the OWASP Austin Chapter Meeting (online).
August 25, 2020.
- Lightning
Network: Privacy Threats Towards Network Adversaries.
The Lightning Conference (TLC2019). Berlin
(Germany). October 20, 2019.
- Network-layer
anonymity for privacy-enhanced dapps.
Developer Conference for Ethereum Dapps &
Infrastructure (Dappcon). Berlin (Germany). August
21, 2019.
- Introduction
to Privacy Technologies. Lecture at the COSIC
Course 2019. Leuven (Belgium). June 5,
- Anonymity
loves company, and funding. Panel at
the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection
(CPDP 2019). Brussels (Belgium). January 31,
- The
challenge of being anonymous online. Invited
talk at the Chalmers Initiative Seminar on
Digitalisation. Gothenburg (Sweden). March 15,
- Anonymous
communications infrastructures for the protection
of metadata? Panel at the Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2018).
Brussels (Belgium). January 31, 2018.
- Website
fingerprinting on Tor: attacks and defences.
Invited talk at the workshop on Post-Snowden
Cryptography. Brussels (Belgium). December 10,
- Introduction
to Privacy Technologies. Guest lecturer at
the Technion Computer Engineering Summer
School. Haifa (Israel). September 8, 2014.
- Anonymous
Communication Systems. Guest lecturer at
the Technion Computer Engineering Summer School.
Haifa (Israel). September 9, 2014.
- Obfuscation
techniques for private search. Guest
lecturer at the Technion Computer
Engineering Summer School. Haifa (Israel).
September 9, 2014.
- Privacy
Technologies against Mass Surveillance.
Superminds Event 2014. Leuven (Belgium).
May 20, 2014.
- Privacy Enhancing
Technologies Research. Guest talk at
Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays. New York (NY, USA).
February 17, 2014.
Keynotes, conference talks,
seminars, discussion panels:
- The Nym Network. Invited
keynote at Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop
(WISC). Bochum (Germany).
June 29, 2023.
- Protection of communications
metadata. Invited talk at the EU Commission workshop
on Digital Autonomy and classified information. Brussels
(Belgium). December 5, 2022.
- Metadata and ML-based traffic
analysis. Invited panelist at the DEXA Panel: Big
Minds Sharing their Vision on the Future of AI, online.
September 29, 2021.
- Network-level privacy.
Invited talk at the Latin American Bitcoin &
Blockchain Conference (LABITCONF 2020),
online. December 7, 2020.
- Anonymous communications:onion
routing, mixnets, p2p networks. Invited talk at CYD
Cyber-Defence Campus Conference (Switzerland). November 4,
- Why We Need Network-Level
Privacy: P2P, Tor, and Mixnets. Invited talk at the
zkp & privacy summit (online). October 19,
- Why we need network level
privacy. Invited talk at the Magical Crypto
Conference (MCC VR 2020, online). September 26,
- Inteligencia Artificial:
Seguridad y Privacidad. Invited talk at the II
Jornadas Internacionales en Ciberinteligencia de la
Guardia Civil. Aranjuez (Spain). November 15, 2019.
- Strong network anonymity with
Mixnets. CASA Distinguished Lecture at Rurh
University Bochum. Bochum (Germany). July 5, 2019.
- What is Anonymity in Digital
Systems? Academic Perspectives on Cybersecurity
Challenges - Cyber Week. Tel Aviv (Israel). June
24, 2019.
- Introduction to Privacy.
Guest lecture at the KU Leuven Postgraduate course on
IoT security. Leuven (Belgium). November 8, 2018.
- Anonymity in digital systems.
Keynote at the Belgian Cybersecurity Convention.
Mechelen (Belgium). October 25, 2018.
- Mixnets for anonymous messaging.
Keynote at PET-CON 2018.2. Hamburg (Germany).
October 11-12, 2018.
- Introduction to Privacy
Technologies. Secure
Application Development (SecAppDev 2018).
Leuven (Belgium). February 23, 2018.
- Website
Fingerprinting. Invited lecturer at the Summer
School on Real-World Crypto and Privacy. Sibenik
(Croatia). June 5-9, 2017
- Introduction to Privacy. Invited
lecturer at the Summer School on Real-World Crypto and
Privacy. Sibenik (Croatia). June 5-9, 2017
- How Unique is Your .onion? An
Analysis of the Fingerprintability of Tor Onion
Services. Invited talk at the University College
London Carnival of Decentralization and Privacy.
London (UK). May 22, 2017.
- Designing Mixnets. Invited
seminar at INRIA Paris. Paris (France). March 1,
- Privacy concerns in 2015 from a
technology perspective. Invited seminar at
Emergent Leuven. Leuven (Belgium). November 12,
- Privacy and Anonymity. Invited
lecturer at the Summer School on Real-World Crypto and
Privacy. Sibenik (Croatia). June 1-5, 2015
- Introduction to Privacy
Technologies. Guest lectures at Royal Holloway,
University of London. London (UK). May 11-12, 2015
- In
PETs we trust: Gaps between privacy enhancing
technologies and information privacy law. Invited
talk at Real World Crypto (RWC 2015). London (UK).
January 7, 2015.
- Overview of security and
privacy technologies. Guest lecture at the
Postgraduate Studies in ICT & Media Law programme.
Leuven (Belgium). October 27, 2014.
- A
critical review of Privacy Technologies. Keynote
talk at LatinCrypt. Florianopolis
(Brazil). September 17, 2014.
- From
privacy principles to engineering requirements. Cyber
Security and Privacy (CSP) Forum 2014. Athens
(Greece). May 22, 2014.
- Research
challenges for Privacy Enhancing Technologies. Trust
in Digital Life (TDL) Workshop. Vienna (Austria).
April 8, 2014.
- Privacy
and risk management. OECD Privacy Expert
Roundtable. Paris (France). March 21, 2014.
- Technical
solutions for enhancing privacy in Online Social
Networks. Leuven.Inc workshop on Big Data:
legal, privacy and information security issues.
Leuven (Belgium). March 18, 2014
- Privacy
Enhancing Technologies. Invited seminar at the
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Nijmegen (The
Netherlands). March 11, 2014.
- In
PETs we Trust: tensions between Privacy Enhancing
Technologies and Information Privacy Law. NYU
Dept. of Media, Culture, and Communication Seminar.
New York (NY, USA). March 5, 2014.
- Obfuscation-based
private web search. Invited talk at the NYU
Symposium on Obfuscation. New York (NY, USA).
February 15, 2014.
- Overview of security and
privacy technologies. Guest lecture at the
Postgraduate Studies in ICT & Media Law programme.
Leuven (Belgium). November 25, 2013. [slides]
- Meanings
of "trust" and "privacy" in technology. Lecture at
the KU Leuven ATHENS Course. Heverlee (Belgium).
November 18, 2013. [slides]
- Meanings
of "Privacy" in Privacy Enhancing Technologies.
Keynote at the ACM Digital Identity Management
Workshop 2013. Berlin (Germany). November 8, 2013.
- Personal
Data and Citizenship - The Technical Perspective.
Keynote at the Digital Enlightenment Forum 2013.
Brussels (Belgium). September 18, 2013. [slides]
- Towards
Measuring Resilience in Anonymous Communication
Networks. 6th Workshop on Hot Topics in
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2013).
Bloomington (Indiana, USA). July 12, 2013. [slides]
- Academic
publishing. Panel at the 13th Privacy Enhancing
Technologies Symposium (PETS 2013). Bloomington
(Indiana, USA). July 11, 2013.
- Privacy
Technologies. COSIC Course.
Heverlee (Belgium). June 4, 2013 [slides]
- Developing
Trust in Cyberspace: Pulling Together Law, Technology,
and Policy. Invited talk at GREPSEC. San
Francisco (CA, USA). May 19, 2013.
- Two
tales of privacy in OSNs. Guest seminar at
Palo Alto
- Research
Center (PARC). Palo Alto (CA, USA). May 16, 2013.
- Two
tales of privacy in OSNs. Guest lecture at the
University of Waterloo. Waterloo (Canada). April
5, 2013. [slides]
- Two
tales of privacy in OSNs. Guest talk for the
Information Systems Security Association (ISSA-BE).
Brussels (Belgium). March 14, 2013. [slides]
- Introduction to privacy
technologies. Secure
Application Development (SecAppDev 2013).
Leuven (Belgium). March 6, 2013. [slides]
- Two
tales of privacy in OSNs. Guest lecture at TU
Darmstadt. Darmstadt (Germany). February 12, 2013.
- Security
and privacy protection in online social networks.
Panel at the For Your Eyes Only Conference.
Brussels, November 30, 2012. [link]
- Consensual
exploitation on social media. Panel at the For Your
Eyes Only Conference. Brussels, November 29, 2012.
- Overview of security and
privacy technologies. Guest lecture at the course
"Interdisciplinary perspectives on ICT".
Brussels (Belgium). November 26, 2012. [slides]
- Hero
or Villain: The Data Controller in Privacy Law and
Technologies. Invited talk at the Ohio State
Law Journal Symposium "The Second Wave of Global
Privacy Protection". Columbus (OH, USA).
November 16, 2012. [slides]
- Obfuscation-based
private web search. Invited talk at the
Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC'12). Amsterdam
(The Netherlands). October 9, 2012. [slides]
- The impact of upcoming
privacy legislation for PETs. Panel at the 12th
Privacy Enhancing
Technologies Symposium (PETS 2012). Vigo
(Spain). July 11, 2012.
- Technologies for private
search. Interdisciplinary Privacy
Course. Leuven (Belgium).
June 28, 2012 [slides]
- Introduction to Privacy.
Interdisciplinary Privacy Course. Leuven
(Belgium). June 27, 2012 [slides]
- Privacy research paradigms.
Invited talk at the
Information Security Summit (IS2). Prague
(Czech Republic). May 31, 2012.
- 3x3: Confidentialtiy,
Control and transparency. Guest talk (jointly with
Seda Gurses) at re:publica 2012. Berlin
(Germany). May 2, 2012.
- Introduction to privacy
technologies. Secure
Application Development (SecAppDev 2012).
Leuven (Belgium). March 6, 2012.
- A Trusted Panel: A Need
for Constructive Distrust? Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2012). Brussels
(Belgium). January 25, 2012.
- Overview of security and
privacy technologies. Guest lecture at the
Postgraduate Studies in ICT & Media Law programme.
Leuven (Belgium). December 5, 2011. [slides]
- Engineering privacy by
design. Invited
seminar at the Oxford Internet Institute.
Oxford (UK). November 23, 2011. [slides]
- Engineering privacy by
design. Invited
talk at the Xootic alumni association.
Eindhoven (Netherlands). September 23, 2011. [slides]
- A closer look at cloaking
techniques for location privacy. Keynote talk 6th
International Workshop on Data Privacy Management
(DPM). Leuven (Belgium). September 15, 2011.
- Analysis of cloaking
techniques for location privacy. Invited talk at the NII
Workshop in ICT Resilience. Karuizawa (Japan).
August 2, 2011.
- Trust, security, and
privacy technologies. Guest seminar at the
University of Vigo. Vigo (Spain). July 8, 2011
- Privacy & trust in
architectures. 4th Summer School on Network and Information
Security. Heraklion (Crete, Greece). June 30,
2011 [slides]
- Technical Aspects of
Location Privacy. Interdisciplinary
Privacy Course. Leuven (Belgium).
June 27, 2011 [slides]
- Introduction to Privacy.
Interdisciplinary Privacy Course. Leuven
(Belgium). June 27, 2011 [slides]
- Privacy research
challenges. Workshop
Socio-economics in trustworthy ICT. Brussels
(Belgium). June 22, 2011
- Privacy Technologies.
COSIC Course. Heverlee (Belgium). June
14, 2011 [slides]
- What information do we
leak through our online activities? Algemene Vergadering
Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek: Internet en privacy.
Leuven (Belgium). May 30, 2011. [slides]
- Invited
speaker at the launching of the Belgian Association for
Studies and Research into the Protection of Privacy.
House of Representatives, Brussels (Belgium). May 18,
- What can be learnt about
your private life? IEEE Student Branch Soiree Technique.
Heverlee (Belgium). May 5, 2011.
- The challenge of
protecting privacy in the information era. Inaugural lecture.
Heverlee (Belgium). April 8, 2011. [slides]
- Introduction to privacy
technologies. Guest
lecture at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona.
Barcelona (Spain). March 10, 2011. [slides]
- Introduction to privacy
technologies. Secure
Application Development (SecAppDev 2011).
Leuven (Belgium). March 2, 2011. [slides]
- Privacy by design and
privacy models. Computers, Privacy and Data
Protection (CPDP 2011). Brussels (Belgium).
January 27, 2011
- Panel on implementing
privacy in online service models. Panel moderator. Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2011). Brussels (Belgium). January
25, 2011
- Security and privacy
technologies. Guest
lecture at the Postgraduate Studies in ICT & Media
Law programme. Leuven (Belgium). December 20,
2010. [slides]
- Trust, security, and
privacy technologies. Keynote talk at the Trust
in Digital Life workshop. Nice (France).
December 2, 2010. [slides]
- Panel on Privacy by Design.
Panelist. Plenary
panel at the 32nd International Conference
of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners.
Jerusalem (Israel). October 28, 2010. [video
link1] [video
link 2]
- Unraveling an Old Cloak:
k-anonymity for Location Privacy. ACM Workshop on
Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'10). Chicago, IL (USA). October
4th, 2010 [slides]
- Impact of Network Topology
on Anonymity and Overhead in Low-Latency Anonymity
Networks. Privacy Enhancing
Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2010. Berlin
(Germany). July 22, 2010. [slides]
- Panel on Using and
Choosing PETs for ITS Applications. Privacy in ITS Applications
Workshop. Berlin (Germany). July 20, 2010. [slide]
- Impact of Network Topology
on Anonymity and Overhead in Low-Latency Anonymity
Networks. COSIC Seminar. Heverlee (Belgium).
July 15, 2010.
- Privacy Enhancing
Technologies. Invited talk at the Microsoft Roundtable on
Privacy by Design. Brussels (Belgium). June 23,
2010 [slides]
- Overview of Privacy
Enhancing Technologies. Interdisciplinary
Privacy Course. Leuven (Belgium).
June 23, 2010 [slides]
- Introduction to Privacy.
Interdisciplinary Privacy Course. Leuven
(Belgium). June 23, 2010 [slides]
- Privacy Enhancing
Technologies. 10 hour course for the Ph.D.
program at the Universitat
Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). Barcelona
(Spain). June 14-18, 2010. [slides]
- PrETP: Privacy-Preserving
Electronic Toll Pricing. LICT Industrial Affiliation
Day. Heverlee (Belgium). June 3, 2010. [slides]
- Drac: An Architecture for
Anonymous Low-Volume Communications. INRIA workshop on privacy.
Grenoble (France). March 9, 2010. [slides]
- Privacy Technologies.
Secure Application
Development (SecAppDev 2010). Leuven (Belgium).
February 24, 2010 [slides]
- Panel on Forgetfulness and
Data Retention. Panel moderator. Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection. Brussels (Belgium).
January 29, 2010
- Attacks on the Vehicle Infrastructure
Integration (VII) anonymous certificates. Seminar for the EPFL Laboratory for Computer
Communications and Applications. Lausanne
(Switzerland). December 2, 2009.
- The wisdom of Crowds: attacks and optimal
constructions. ZISC Information
Security Colloquium. Zurich (Switzerland).
December 1, 2009. [slides]
- Privacy in the information society. LICT Distinguished Lecture Program. Heverlee (Belgium). November 10,
2009. [slides]
- Management of a Data Breach.
Panel moderator. EDPS/ENISA Seminar
on Responding to Data Breaches. Brussels
(Belgium). October 23, 2009.
- Privacy Issues of Imaging Technologies for
Security Search Applications. LICT
Workshop on Millimeter Wave Imaging and Technologies
for Security Applications. Heverlee (Belgium).
July 9, 2009 [slides]
- Privacy technologies. COSIC
Course. Heverlee (Belgium). July 7, 2009 [slides]
- Privacy at the communication layer. Interdisciplinary Privacy Course. Heverlee (Belgium).
June 16, 2009 [slides]
- Introduction to Privacy. Interdisciplinary
Privacy Course. Heverlee
(Belgium). June 11, 2009 [slides]
- A Framework for the Analysis of Mix-Based
Steganographic File Systems. Computer Lab
Departmental Seminar. Cambridge (UK).
January 28th, 2009 [slides]
- Panel on Data Breaches by Government
Departments and Problems with E-Voting. Panel moderator. Computers,
Privacy and Data Protection Brussels (Belgium).
January 17, 2009
- Panel on Future of the Internet: Real World
Internet. Panelist. Future
of the Internet Assembly (session on Real World
Internet). Madrid (Spain). December 10, 2008
- Security and Privacy Challenges in the Real
World Internet. Invited talk at
the Future of the Internet Assembly
(session on Real World Internet). Madrid (Spain).
December 9, 2008 [slides]
- Privacy and anonymity. Invited
seminar at the Universitat Politecnica de
Catalunya (Information
Security Group). Barcelona (Spain), November 24, 2008 [slides]
- A Framework for the Analysis of Mix-Based
Steganographic File Systems. ESORICS:
13th European Symposium on Research in Computer
Security. October 8th 2008, Malaga, Spain. [slides]
- A Framework for the Analysis of Mix-Based
Steganographic File Systems. COSIC Seminar.
Heverlee (Belgium). October 2nd, 2008
- Privacy preserving electronic petitions.
Identity in the Information Society (IDIS)
Workshop. Arona
(Italy) May 29, 2008 [slides]
- Steganographic file systems. One-hour
lecture at the Computer Security course of the
Master in Computer Science Research of the Universidad
Complutense de Madrid.
Madrid (Spain) April 23, 2008. [slides]
- Introduction to anonymous communication.
Two-hour lecture at
the ATHENS Intensive Course Programme. Heverlee (Belgium) March 13,
2008 [slides]
- Advanced applications for e-ID cards. L-SEC Identity management and e-ID
conference. Leuven (Belgium). February 28, 2008 [slides]
- Steganographic file systems. Invited
colloquium talk at Karlstad
University. Karlstad (Sweden). January 21st, 2008
- Steganographic file systems. Invited
talk at the Santa's Crypto
Get-together 2007. Prague (Czech Republic).
December 6th, 2007
- Does additional information always reduce anonymity? 6th ACM Workshop on
Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'07). Alexandria, VA (USA). October
29th, 2007 [slides]
- Does additional information always reduce anonymity? COSIC Seminar.
Heverlee (Belgium). October 26th, 2007 [slides]
- Efficient Negative Databases from
Cryptographic Hash Functions. 10th
Information Security Conference (ISC'07). Vi�a del Mar (Chile). October
12th, 2007 [slides]
- Introduction to Anonymous Communications.
One hour tutorial at
the 10th Information Security Conference
(ISC'07). Vi�a del
Mar (Chile). October 9th, 2007 [slides]
- Efficient Negative Databases from
Cryptographic Hash Functions. COSIC
Seminar. Heverlee (Belgium). October 5th, 2007 [slides]
- Privacy-Enhanced e-Petitions. 2nd ADAPID Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium).
September 28th, 2007 [slides]
- Anonymity Metrics, Mixes, and Space-Efficient
Private Search. Curso
en Seguridad de Computadores, Maestria en
Investigacion Informatica la Universidad
Complutense de Madrid. Madrid (Spain), May 21st, 2007.
- Space-Efficient Private Search. 11th International Conference on
Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'07).
Scarborough (Trinidad and Tobago). February 13th, 2007 [slides]
- Space-Efficient Private Search. COSIC Seminar. Heverlee (Belgium).
February 7th, 2007 [slides]
- Requirements for e-ID Applications. 1st ADAPID Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium).
September 26th, 2006 [slides]
- Privacy and Anonymity in Electronic Services.
PhD defense. Heverlee (Belgium).
December 19th, 2005 [slides]
- Anonymity Metrics Applied to Partial
Profiling. 2nd FIDIS PhD Event. Santorini (Greece). October
21st, 2005.
- Anonymity Metrics Revisited.
Dagstuhl Seminar on Anonymity and its Applications.
Saarbrucken (Germany). October 13th, 2005.
- ADAPID: eID in
Belgium. FIDIS
Workshop on ID documents. Frankfurt (Germany).
June 22nd, 2005.
- Panel on revocable anonymity.
Panelist. Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PET) 2005. Cavtat
(Croatia). May 31st, 2005.
- Profiling game. COSIC
Seminar. Heverlee (Belgium). March 23rd, 2005.
- Privacy-Enhanced Ambient Intelligence
Profiling. FIDIS Workshop on
Profiling. Brussels (Belgium). March 3rd, 2005.
- Anonymity and Mixes. 1st
FIDIS PhD Event. Riezlern
(Austria). January 22nd, 2005.
- Controlled Anonymous Communication. 5th APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium).
November 23rd, 2004. [slides]
- Comparison between two practical mix designs.
ESORICS: 9th European Symposium on Research
in Computer Security. September 13th 2004, Sophia
Antipolis, French Riviera,
France. [slides]
- Taxonomy of Mixes and Dummy traffic . I-NetSec04:
3rd Working Conference on Privacy and Anonymity in
Networked and Distributed Systems. August 26th
2004, Toulouse, France. [slides]
- Anonymity and Privacy. Course
G13 of the 2004 Summer Complutense
School (ECV 2004) on Practical Security for the
Internet and Intranet July 5-30. Madrid (Spain). July
23rd 2004. [slides]
- Panel on Mix Cascades vs. Peer-to-Peer: Is
One Concept Superior? Panel moderator.
Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PET) 2004. Toronto (Canada). May 257h, 2004.
- Reasoning about the Anonymity Provided by
Pool Mixes that Generate Dummy Traffic. 6th Information Hiding Workshop. Toronto
(Canada). May 25th, 2004. [slides]
- Anonymous communications. WHOLES
- A Multiple View of Individual Privacy in a Networked
World . Stockholm (Sweden).
January 30th, 2004. [slides]
- Reasoning about the anonymity provided by
pool mixes that generate dummy traffic. COSIC Seminar. Heverlee (Belgium).
December 17th, 2003. [slides]
- Privacy Rights Management. Digital
Rights Management -- L-SEC Technology Workshop.
Heverlee (Belgium). December 4th, 2003.[slides]
- Building blocks for controlled anonymity.
4th APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium).
September 24, 2003. [slides]
- Ph.D. progress presentation. Heverlee
(Belgium). May 20, 2003. [slides]
- Generalising mixes. Workshop on Privacy
Enhancing Technologies (PET) 2003. Dresden
(Germany), March 26, 2003. [slides]
- Generalising mixes. COSIC Seminar.
Heverlee (Belgium). January 22, 2003. [slides]
- Anonymous Targeted Advertising System. 3rd APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium).
November 5, 2002. [slides]
- Information Theory and Anonymity. 23rd Symposium on Information Theory in the
Benelux. Louvain la Neuve
(Belgium). May 29, 2002.[slides]
- Towards Measuring Anonymity. Workshop
on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) 2002. San
Francisco (USA). April 14, 2002. [slides]
- Overview of technologies and building blocks
for anonimity. 2nd APES Workshop. Heverlee (Belgium).
November 21, 2001.[slides]
- Towards Measuring Anonymity. COSIC
Seminar. Heverlee (Belgium). October 3, 2001. [slides]
- Anonymity requirements for eCommerce schemes and online
elections. 1st APES Workshop.
Heverlee (Belgium). April 19, 2001. [slides]
PET Symposium, PET
Award, CPDP Conference, Anonymity
bibliography, Tor, Nym Technologies
Trains, Kayak, Currency Converter, Brussels Airport
This is my
academic genealogy. You can reconstruct your own
genealogy with the Mathematics
Genealogy Project.
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