LERU Rectors meet in Dublin for Autumn Rectors Assembly

The first day started with welcoming words from Dr Linda Doyle, whereafter Bart De Moor, professor at KU Leuven, co-coordinator of Flanders AI Program and chairman of Athumi, gave a presentation on the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the research, innovation and education activities of research universities.

Thereafter, the LERU Rectors confirmed ETH Zurich as a new LERU member. Because of this, LERU will expand to 24 members as of 1 January 2024. <https://www.leru.org/news/24-in-2024-eth-zurich-joins-leru> All LERU Rectors were excited to welcome ETH Zurich, and they look forward to the cooperation. This announcement was followed by a discussion on LERU’s strategy for the next decade.

The second day of the Rectors’ Assembly was devoted to draft papers on the next EU Framework Programme (FP10) and the EU elections in 2024. The meeting ended with LERU Secretary-General Prof. Kurt Deketelaere presenting the most important LERU activities over the past and next six months.

The next LERU Rectors’ Assembly will take place at the University of Milan in May 2024.

More about this can be read on : https://www.leru.org/news/leru-rectors-meet-in-dublin-for-autumn-rectors-assembly