Academic researcher

Bart De Moor is Professor is full professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of KU Leuven, Belgium (ESAT-STADIUS). His fields of research are in mathematical engineering, system theory and control, numerical optimization, machine learning and data science. He holds an ERC Advanced grant, has more than 91 PhD Students and co-authored more than 400 scientific papers and 11 books. His research projects span from fundamental research to implementations in industry and biomedicine.

Innovation Leader

Bart has been a motor of scientific and biomedical innovation in Flanders and Europe. As recurring head of science policy in Flanders from ’91 to 2007 he created fertile ground for innovation with highlights such as the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), Flemish Institute for the Sea, and several funding channels for fundamental and applied research. Out of his research, no less than 9 spin-offs were created. More recently he co-authored the Flemish AI Policy Plan and founded high-tech health experience center Health House.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things
Albert Einstein

Science Education

Realizing that research should not stay in its ivory tower, Bart has been an impulse behind a variety of science education initiatives in Flanders aimed at children and lifelong learning.

Science sans conscience n’est que ruine de l’âme
François Rabelais

VAIA (Flanders AI Academy)

At VAIA professionals and researchers can learn about artificial intelligence. The collaboration of all universities in Flanders collects and organises training courses to help learn about or apply the possibilities of AI.

Health House

Health House showcases the future of health and care based on scientifically validated content and the impact technology will have on this future.

Alamire Foundation

Alamire Foundation is an international centre for the study of music in the Low Countries. It encourages and coordinates systemic archive research into music and life in the Low Countries until ca. 1800.


Technopolis is a Flemish activity center for science and technology. In Technopolis, the visitor experiments himself, in order to experience how science and technology are part of everyday life.