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Complete Project List

Complete list  Funding channels :  KUL/BOF (IDO, OT, GOA, COE), Flanders (FWO, IWT), Federal (IAP), EU (FP6, FP7), direct contract research.

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Projects with funding (starting 1995)

Research Council KU Leuven
  • Interdisciplinary Research Project (IDO) : Development of a generic mathematical methodology for inference of genetic networks, 2001-2006 ; Partners : Prof. J. Vanderleyden, Prof. J. Thevelein, K.U.Leuven
  • Concerted Research Action : MIPS : Model-base Information Processing Systems (1995-2000) (BOF 195/03)
  • BIL99/18 : Identification of linear and nonlinear systems (1999-2002)
  • BIL00/17/Polen (2000-2001)
  • Concerted Research Action : Mefisto-666 : Mathematical Engineering for Information and Communication Systems Technology (2001-2005) (BOF GOA/2000/06)
  • Genetic Network Inference : Development of a generic methodology for genetic network inference (2001-2006)
  • Concerted Research Action : AMBioRICS: Algorithms for Medical and Biological Research, Integration, Computations and Software (2005-2009) (BOF GOA/2005)
  • Excellence Financing: K.U.Leuven Center for Computational Systems Biology (2005-2010) (EF/05/07)
  • Excellence Financing: OPTEC: Optimization in Engineering (2005-2010) (EF/05/06)
  • Industrial Research Fund (Leverage project): SCORES4CHEM:Systems, Control and Optimization: Research, Education and Services for the Chemical Industry (Promotor: J. Van Impe, BioTeC) (2008 & 2009-2013)
  • Biomarker discovery in endometriosis using a transcriptomic/proteomic approach (2009-2013) (OT/09/052)
  • MaNet : Mathematatical engineering tools for Networks : Data driven mining, identification, control and optimization (2009-2014) (GOA-10-009)
  • Omics based clinical decision support : Large scale and online computing to advance (omics-based) clinical decision support after life sciences research (2014-2015)
  • Industrial Research Fund (IOF) : LOGIC - insulin - clinical validation and filing for regulatory approval of a blood glucose regulator for the intensive care unit (2011-2012) (IOF/HB/10/039)
  • Industrial Research Fund (IOF) : Endometrios - proteomics - Noninvasive diagnosis of endometriosis is based on plasma proteomics analysis (2013-2013) (IOF-HB-D)
  • Industrial Research Fund (IOF) : SCORES4CHEM : Saftey, control and optimization : Research, education and services for the chemical industry
  • C1 Funding : Multidimensional dynamical systems, multi-linear numerical algorithms and tensor data (2015-2022) (BOF-C1-C16/15/059)
  • C2 Funding : Optimal planning of surgery for gynaecologic patients (2021-2025)
  • C2 Funding : Immune profiling of CIDP (IPoC) (subcontracting) (2019-2023)
  • C2 Funding : Researching and valorizing Franco-Flemish polyphony with high-high-technology tools (2018-2022) (C24/18/022)
  • C3 Funding : AIDA : AI tools for curation of clinical registries (2021-2023) (C3/20/117)
  • C3 Funding : IOTA-AI : AI-assisted automated detection of ovarian cancer on ultrasound imaging (2021-2023) (C3/21/00316)
  • C3 Funding : MILAN : next-generation pathology by MILAN multiplex analysis and advanced trainable image analysis (2020-2022)
  • C3 Funding : Immune-profile-directed stratification of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (2018-2020)( (subcontracting) (C32/18/041)
  • C3 Funding : CDM : Clinical Data Miner - An electronic data capture software framework for supporting clinical research (2016-2018) (C32/16/013)
  • Several junior fellowships
  • Senior fellowships

Research Foundation - Flanders
  • FWO G.0292.95: Analysis and design of matrix algorithms for adaptive signal processing, system identification and control, based on concepts from continuous time system theory and differential geometry (1995-1998)
  • FWO G.0256.97: Numerical algorithms for subspace system identification : Extension towards specific applications (1997-2000)
  • FWO G.0240.99: Multilinear generalisations of the singular value decomposition and applications in signal processing and system identification (1999-2003)
  • FWO G.0115.01: Development of data-mining algorithms for micro-array experiments in oncology (2001-2004)
  • FWO G.0197.02: Modelling and stabilizing electrical energy islands – virtual power plants (o.l.v. Prof. Belmans) (01/01/2002-31/12/2005)
  • FWO G.0407.02: Support vector machines and kernel methods : theory, algorithms and applications (2002-2005)
  • FWO G.0143.03: Advanced Techniques for system identification for the study of side-channels in cryptographic algorithms: Crypto-analysis and design (in coll. With prof. Bart Preneel) (01/01/2003 – 31/12/2006)(2003-2006)
  • FWO G.0491.03: Design of a control system for the optimisation of glycemia for intensive care patients (in coll with prof. Van den Berghe/Bouillon)(2003-2006)
  • FWO G.0413.03: Robust algorithms for the inference of regulatory networks from expression measurements and a priori biological information (in coll. With prof. Verschoren, RUCA);(2003-2006)
  • FWO G.0120.03: Quantuminformatics (in coll with prof. Verschelde, UG) (2003-2006)
  • FWO G.0388.03: Micro-arrays for the clinical policy of ovarium carcinomas (prom. Prof. Vergote, KUL) (2003-2006)
  • FWO G.0229.03: Development of a biological knowledge management system based on an ontology for the acquisition of a priori knowledge for bioinformatics algorithms (in coll. With prof. Meersman, VUB); (2003-2006)
  • FWO G.0241.04: Functional Genomics : Identification of novel functions, components and target genes for Sch9- or PKB-mediated signal transduction (in coll. with Prof. Winderickx, KUL); (2004-2007)
  • FWO G.0499.04: Integration of parametric robust methods and non-parametric kernel based methods (in coll. with Prof. Hubert, KUL); (2004-2007)
  • FWO G.0452.04: Developing new quantum algorithms (in coll. with Prof. Aerts, VUB) ; (2004-2007)
  • FWO G.0211.05: Identification of nonlinear systems and its applications to microwave systems (with Prof. Schoukens, VUB) (2005-2008)
  • FWO G.0232.05: Aging, the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases: study in the swine. (with Prof. Holvoet, KUL) (2005-2008)
  • FWO G.0318.05: Development of a computational method for studying subfunctionalization by transcriptional divergence of duplicated plant genes. (with Prof. Van de Peer)(2005 -2008)
  • FWO G.0457.05: A clinicoproteomic study of patients with cervical and endometrial malignant tumours (with Prof. Vergote, KUL) (2005- 2008)
  • FWO G.0553.06: Identification of genes and their regulatory motifs that are involved in antiproliferative signaling induced by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 or in the tissue-selective activity of vitamin D analogs. (with Prof. Bouillon, Prof. Mathieu, KUL) (2006-2009)
  • FWO G.0302.07: Support Vector Machines and Kernel Based Learning: Advanced Algorithms (2007-2010)
  • FWO G.0557.08: Optimization and implementation of a control system aiming the normalization of glycemia of critically ill patients (with Prof. G. Van den Berghe, KUL)(2008-2011)
  • FWO G.0558.08: Moving horizon estimation: robust stability, robust performance and interaction with model predictive control (2008-2011)
  • FWO Research Community : ICCoS : Identification and Control of Complex Systems (1995-2000) (2001-2005)(2006-2010) (Partners : Schoukens (VUB), Van Brussel (KUL), Van Cauwenberghe (UG), Gevers (UCL), Hanus (ULB), Remy (Mons), Brown (Cincinnatti), Flower (Warwick), Isermann (Darmstadt), Ljung (Linköping), Vanden Bos (Delft), Verbruggen (Delft), Kailath (Stanford))
  • FWO Research Community : Advanced Numerical Methods for Mathematical Modelling (1995-2000) (2001-2005) (Dirk Roose, Adhemar Bultheel, Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, Guido Vandenberghe UG, Pieter De Groen VUB, Annie Cuyt UIA, Paul Van Dooren UCL, Beauwens ULB, Spence BATH UK, Golub STANFORD)
  • FWO Research Community: Machine Learning for Data Mining (Manderick (VUB, coordinator), Blockeel (KUL), Naudts (UA), Daelemans Walter, Luc Deraedt,….)
  • FWO G.0824.09 : Can response to epidermal growth factor receptor antibodies in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer be predicted (2009-2010) (withS. Tejpar, E. Van Cutsem)
  • FWO G.0871.12N : Neural circuits - Application of system identification tools to neural circuits (2012-2015) (with Emri Yaksi)
  • cSBO : ENZYMARES : Enzyme prediction toolbox (2021-2025) (HBC.2021.0076)
  • SBO : The Sound of Music : Innovative research and valorisation of plainchant through digital technology (2020-2023) (S005319N)
  • EOS G0F6718N : SeLMA : Structured Low-Rank Matrix/Tensor approximation : Numerical optimization-based algorithms and applications (2018-2021)
  • The Library of Voices - Unlocking the Alamire Foundation's Music Heritage Resources Collection through Visual and Sound Technology (2018-2021) (IO13218N)
  • Direct detection and identification of neuro-oncology markers in brain tumours (2019-2023) (FWO TBM T001919N)
EU funding
  • BIOPATTERN - Computational intelligence for biopattern analysis in support of e-Healthcare (2004-2008) (3E040444)
  • COST Action BM 1104 Mass Spectrometry Imaging : new tools for healthcare research (2011-2015) (BM1104)
  • Big data challenges for healthy living and active aging (2017) (EIT Health)
  • MOOC - Data Analytics in health (2016-2017) (EIT Health)
  • Back to the roots of data-driven dynamical system identification (2021-2025) (ERC Adv)
  • MIDAS : Meaningful integration of data, analytics and services (2016-2000) (H2020-SC1-2016-2017 Grant Agreement no. 727721)
  • BIOPTRAIN : Bioinformatics and optimization training (2005-2009) (EST-CT-2004-7597)
  • EC-EDITH : European doctorate on information technology (2005-2007) (MEST-CT-2004-504195)
  • QUPRODIS : Quantum properties of distributed systems (2003-2005) (IST-2001-38877)
  • McKnow : Automated and user-oriented methods and algorithms for knowledge management (2001-2005)
  • SQUAD : Molecular and computational biology of quorum signaling in bacterial pathogens : Salmonella (2002-2007)
  • SILICOS : Research towards an in silico drug discovery platform (virtual screening factory) based on specrophore technology (2005-2007)
  • Flight Test Easy+ : Optimised design engineering process for aerospace structures (2005-2007)
  • BioScop-IT : Bioinformatics service project (2005-2008) (IWT/040571)
  • Endometriosis Test : Development of a noninvasive diagnostic test for endometriosis (2007-2009)
  • IOTA 3 Ovarian tumour characterisation - Multicentre prospective assessment study on the preoperative characterisation of ovarian tumours based on predictive computer models (2008-2012) (070706/IWT TBM)
  • DSquare - D Square data mining (2008-2011) (IWT/080222/O&O BDM)
  • CLIMAQs - Climate impact and air quality modelling for policy support (2008-2011) (IWT-SBO-080019)
  • LOGIC -  Insulin algorithm -  The single-centre and multi-centre clinical validation of an algorithm to control blood glucose levels in critically ill patients (2011-2015) (IWT-TBM)
  • Rectal cancer - Response prediction of rectal cancer based on molecular and functional characteristics of the tumor.  (2011-2014) (IWT-TBM-Haustermans)
  • Novel strategies for organ sparing in patients with complete response to radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer (20142017)
  • Endometrial cancer diagnosis based on predictive computer models within an international Endometrial Tumour Analysys (IETA) collaboration (2013-2017)
  • Patient-tailored treatment for patients with rectal cancer (2009-2010)
  • Prostaatcarcinoom - Implementation of functional imaging and molecular diagnostics for patient tailored treatment of prostate cancer (2009-2010)
  • Determining genetic markers for platinumsensitivity in ovarian cancer (2010-2011)
  • Prostate cancer - Towards the identification of the true high-risk prostate cancer patient (2012-2015)
  • IBBT 2010 - IBBT Future Health Department (2010) (IBBT-2010-ISBO)
  • IBBT 2011 - IBBT Future Health Department (2011) (IBBT-2011-ISBO)
  • IBBT 2012 - IBBT Future Health Department (2012) (IBBT-2012-ISBO)
  • iMinds 2013 - Future Health Department - SBO - Strategisch Onderzoek (2013) (iMinds 2013 - ISBO)
  • iMinds Interdisciplinair Cooperatief Onderzoek (2016)
  • MSIpad : Mass spectrometry imaging for pathology and drug discovery (2015-2016) (iMinds-ICON)
  • MyHealthData Scenarios for a patient's use of healthcare data (2015-2016) (iMinds-ICON)
  • Data-driven modeling techniques for indoor CO2 estimation (2018)
  • iMinds HQ Strategisch basis onderzoek (2015, 2014, 2010) (iMinds SBO dotatie)
Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo)
  • Modeling, identification, simulation and control of complex systems (1997-2001)
  • Dynamical systems and control : computation, identification and modeling (2002-2006)
  • DYSCO : Dynamical systems, control and optimization (2007-2012)  (2012-2017) (P7/19)
  • BIOMAGNET : Bioinformatics and Modeling : from Genomes to Networks (2007-2013) (P6/25)
Vlaamse Regering
  • Artificiële intelligentie (2019-2022) (VR 2019 2203 DOC.0318/1QUATER) (Impuls AI - impulsprogramma)
  • Capsugel - Modelling and control of the dipping section of a capsule manufacturing process (2018)
  • IOTA-ADNEX : Integration and validation of the IOTA ADNEX model in GE ultrasound equipment (2018-2020)
  • Implementatie van een niet-lineair Model Predictive Control Sturingssysteem voor het Demerbekken (2014-2016)
  • TRAFFIC : Sustainability effects of traffic management systems (2001-2005) (CP001/401 3E010712)
  • KOTK Next-generation multiplex pathology : Enabling precision medicine by improving cancer diagnostics and biomarker identification (2020-2024)
  • GENAGRID : Bioinformatic servies for genetic assocation studies using high-performance grid computation (2008-2012)
  • City of Things : Slimme IoT technologie gekopped aan slimme zorgverlening voor levensloopbestendig wonen (2018-2020) (COT.2018.018)
  • Data highway to precision medicine (2019-2021) (HBC.2019.2209)
  • PASCALe : Platform voor het Annoteren en Structureren van Content en Analyse van het Leergedrag (2017-2018)
  • TUNECLIX (2018-2020) (HBC;2018.0405)
  • Model predictieve controle gekoppeld met bewegende horizon schatting : stabiliteit, schaalbaarheid, robustheid en performantie (2009-2010) (3E090841)
  • Monsanto : Softwarelicentie INCLUSive Software (2007)
  • TML (2006)
  • PROMETA : A proteomics center as part of the interfaculty center for proteomics and metabolomics (2004-2010)

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