[DAISY Home page] [STADIUS] [Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)] [Faculty of Engineering] [KU Leuven]


(Database for the Identification of Systems)

Submitting Datasets

Which datasets are suited

How to submit your data?

  1. Prepare your data as an ASCII-file, in a column-matrix format. The first column is the time (or just an index), the next m columns are the inputs, and the next (last) l columns are the outputs. The data-file should also be compressed (gzip (.gz) or compress (.Z), please don't use PC compression programs as pkzip (.zip) or lharc (.arj)).
  2. Fill out this form.
    If your browser doesn't support forms, then fill out this document and e-mail it to DAISY. Please don't forget to mention how you will provide us with your data (see next item).
  3. If the size of your compressed datafile is smaller than 50 kB, you can send by e-mail to DAISY (jeroen.boets@esat.kuleuven.be), otherwise upload it at an FTP-server at your institution, where we will download it from.
    If you send the compressed datafile by e-mail, don't forget to uuencode your data, otherwise it will arrive corrupted.

[DAISY Home page] [STADIUS] [Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)] [Faculty of Engineering] [KU Leuven]
This file is maintained by SMC. Last modification on February 14, 2006.