[DAISY Home page] [STADIUS] [Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)] [Faculty of Engineering] [KU Leuven]


(Database for the Identification of Systems)

Submitting Datasets Form

  1. Contributed by
    • Name (mandatory):
    • Company/Institution:
    • Address:
    • E-mail (mandatory):
  2. Description of the process that generated the data (mandatory):
  3. Sampling interval:
  4. Number of samples:
  5. Inputs (number and description of each, mandatory if no outputs):
  6. Outputs (number and description of each, mandatory if no inputs):
  7. Overview of references describing the system or using your data:
  8. Known properties/peculiarities of the data (you can include here all the information you have about the generation of the data, e.g. which instruments, which filters (anti-aliasing or not), which pre-processing, ...):
  9. Description of the columns of your ASCII-dataset (mandatory):
  10. Category (mandatory, but you're allowed to propose new categories):

    The existing categories are: (1) Process industry systems, (2) Electrical/electronic systems, (3) Mechanical systems, (4) Biomedical systems, (5) Biochemical systems, (6) Econometric data, (7) Environmental systems, (8) `Classical' datasets.
  11. Place where we can get your data. You have to fill in something (e.g. "e-mail") if you send your data by e-mail to DAISY (mandatory):
By pressing the submit-button, the above information will be e-mailed to DAISY.

[DAISY Home page] [STADIUS] [Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)] [Faculty of Engineering] [KU Leuven]
This file is maintained by SMC. Last modification on February 14, 2006.