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Example Projects

Below is a list of applied research in Big Data. For fundamental research see projects in research.


bpost bank Research Chair: ACT: Actionable Customer AnalyTics

The purpose of the Chair is to investigate the use of advanced Analytics in customer segmentation and profiling. Research topics: customer lifetime value (CLV), validation, backtesting and benchmarking of CLV models, evolution and prediction of customer profiles based on dynamic behaviour. (Vanthienen, J., Baesens, B.)

Colruyt - Symeta Research Chair: Smart Data and Decisions in Marketing

The purpose of this research chair is to investigate a generic methodology for customer segmentation. Topics include identifying frameworks for data quality measurement and management; studying Net Lift modelling; developing profit-driven evaluation; developing validation, back-testing and benchmarking frameworks. (Vanthienen, J., Baesens, B. and Lemahieu, W.)

Coca-Cola Research Chair: Gaining business value out of Big Data and Predictive Analytics

The purpose of the Chair is to investigate the use of Big Data and Predictive Analytics techniques in the context of different business domains such as Sales Prediction, Supply Chain Analytics and Customer Lifetime Value Modeling. The focus will be on the entire trajectory, from the theoretical foundations until concrete applications, where the gained insights will be translated into actual business value. (Lemahieu, W., Baesens, B.)

VDAB Research Chair CARMA: CAReer Management Analytics

The aim of this chair is to study how the labour market mediation function of the Flemish public employment service can be optimized in an intelligent fashion, using analytics, such as Recommender Systems. (Baesens, B., Lemahieu, W. and Sels, L.)