Program: June 14th, 2022

09h45-10h15Aula CWelcome and coffee
10h15-11h00Aula CInvited talk: Rodolphe Sepulchre - "Monotonicity, from circuit design to convex optimisation, and back"
11h00-11h30B00.35Coffee break
11h30-12h30Aula CPresentations per work packages
  • WP1A: Structured optimization
  • WP1B: Rank adaptation
  • WP2A: Matrix multiplication
  • WP2B: Curve fitting
12h30-14h00B01.400 (ESAT cafetaria)Lunch
14h00-14h45Aula CInvited talk: Philippe Toint - "Some recent results in complexity analysis for nonconvex optimization (including high-order models and critical points)"
14h45-15h45Aula CPresentations per work packages
  • WP3A: Nonnegative matrix factorization
  • WP3B: Tensor-based learning
  • WP4A: Data-driven signal processing
  • WP4B: Optimal system identification
15h45-16h45B01.400 (ESAT cafetaria)Coffee and poster session
16h45-18h00Aula C, B00.35, B00.50 and B02.35Discussion on open problems