Matthew Blaschko
Prof. dr. Matthew B. Blaschko
Center for Processing Speech & Images
KU Leuven
Room: 01.05
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - box 2441
3001 Leuven
+32 16 37 44 11

Visitor Directions, Short Bio, Vacancies

KU Leuven Center for Processing Speech and Images KU Leuven

I am director of the KU Leuven ELLIS unit and a fellow in the ELLIS Health program, part of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.
ELLIS logo

I am a Core PI in the Flanders AI Research Program, and workpackage lead for (i) Decision Support Systems and (ii) Medical Imaging.

I am a member of the KU Leuven Institute for Artificial Intelligence and one of the leaders of the working group on Machine Learning and Data Science.

I will be recruiting multiple PhD students via the ELLIS PhD program. If you apply there, you can express your interest in doing a PhD with me in the application form.

Technology developed in my research is incorporated into MONA, software for ophthalmic image analysis.

I co-organized the Commands 4 Autonomous Vehicles workshop and challenge at ECCV 2020.

I co-organized the 2nd Learning from Limited Labeled Data (LLD) Workshop: Representation Learning for Weak Supervision and Beyond at ICLR 2019.

I co-organized the NIPS 2017 workshop on Learning with Limited Labeled Data: Weak Supervision and Beyond.

Education: (Mathematics Genealogy)

Habilitation (HDR)École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Newton International FellowUniversity of Oxford
Dr. rer. nat.Max Planck Institutes Tübingen, awarded by the Technische Universität Berlin
M.S.University of Massachusetts Amherst
B.S.Columbia University

I would like to thank the following funding sources for supporting my research:
FWO AI Programme 
Flanders VLAIO Orsi Academy Barco Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum CSC MSCA Onfido Ford Amazon Marie Curie Actions, European Commission FP7 Digiteo Royal Academy of Engineering


Students and researchers:

Publications: (Google Scholar Profile)