Digital Audio Signal Processing 2023-2024


Copyright : All rights reserved. Parts of these lecture slides may be reproduced for personal use only.
People wishing to use parts of the lecture slides for teaching purposes should contact the author, marc.moonen[at], first. Permission will generally be granted.

If you do not have Powerpoint available on your PC, you can download Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer.

The revised version of the slides for the academic year 2023-2024 will be uploaded below in .ppt and .pdf format.

Exercise sessions

The exercise sessions for the Belgian students and for the International students have been merged. The exercise sessions will take place in groups of 2 and students are advised to form the groups before attending the first session. Dates and location can be obtained from Toledo. The exercise material will be uploaded prior to the sessions on Toledo.


Support material


For viewing .ps files dowload Ghostview - requires Ghostscript.
Both Linux and Windows version available.


MATLAB tutorial

You can download a MATLAB tutorial here: MATLAB tutorial



A library with DSP books is available. Get in contact with Julian Schott for more information.
You can borrow a book for two days maximum.
List available books