International Journal Papers


Al-Memar M., Vaulet T., Fourie H., Nikolic G., Bobdiwala S., Saso S., Farren M., Pipi M., Van Calster B., De Moor B., Stalder C., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “Early-pregnancy events and subsequent antenatal, delivery and neonatal outcomes : prospective cohort study”, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 54, 2019.
Lirias number: 2370522.


Al-Memar M., Vaulet T. Fourie H., Bobdiwala S., Farren J., Saso S. Bracewell-Milnes T., De Moor B., Stalder C., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “Intrauterine haematomas in the first trimester and pregnancy complications”, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 55, Apr. 2020, pp. 536-545.
Lirias number: 2843040.


Vaulet T., Divard G., Thaunat O., Lerut E., Senev A., Aubert O., Van Loon E., Callemeyn J., M.-P., Van Craenenbroeck A., De Vusser K., Sprangers B., Rabeyrin M., Dubois V., Kuypers D., De Vos M., Loupy A., De Moor B., Naesens M., “Data-driven derivation and validation of novel phenotypes for acute kidney transplant rejection using semi-supervised clustering”, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, vol. 32, 2021, 37 p.
Lirias number: 3367068.


Vaulet T., Al-Memar M., Fourie H., Bobdiwala S., Saso S., Pipi M., Stalder C., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., De Moor B., “Gradient boosted trees with individual explanations : an alternative to logistic regression for viability prediction in the first trimester of pregnancy”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 213, Jan. 2022, 106520 art.nb. p.
Lirias number: 3635728.


Vaulet T., Divard T., Thaunat O., Koshy P., Lerut E., Senev A., Aubert O., Van Loon E., Callemyn J., Emonds M.P., Van Craenenbroeck A., De Vusser K., Sprangers B., Rabeyrin M., Dubois V., Kuypers D., De Vos M., Loupy A., De Moor B., Naesens M., “Data-driven chronic allograft phenotypes : A novel and validated complement for histologic assessment of kidney transplant biopsies”, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Oct. 2022, 14 p.
Lirias number: 3924256.



Vaulet T., Data-driven Diagnostic Decision Support Systems: a Secondary Use for Early Pregnancy and Kidney Transplant Databases, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), Feb. 2022, 274 p.
Lirias number: 3655663.

Technical Reports


Al-Memar M., Fourie H., Vaulet T., Lawson K., Bobdiwala S., Saso S., Farren J., Pipi M., De Moor B., Stalder C., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “Prediction of first trimester viability using simple clinical and ultrasound variables”, Technical Report 21-128, ESAT-STADIUS, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2021.
Lirias number: x.


Vaulet T., Al-Memar M., Fourie H., Bourne T., Timmerman D., Naesens M., De Moor B., “Retrieving similar patients from incomplete databases with tree-based ensembles”, Technical Report 22-17, ESAT-STADIUS, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2022.
Lirias number: x.



Vaulet T., Lerut E., Sprangers B., Kuypers D., De Moor B., Naesens M., “Reclassification of kidney allograft biopsies using semi-supervised machine learning”, 19th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT), Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 2019.
Lirias number: 2844890.


Fourie H., Al-Memar M., Vaulet T., Kyriacou C., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “The ability of plasma proteins to predict pregnancy outcome in the first trimester”, Annual Academic Meeting of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London, Feb. 2021.
Lirias number: 3420965.


Vaulet T., Al-Memar M., Fourie H., Bobdiwala S., Saso S., Farren J., De Moor B., Stalder C., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “Building gestational age independent features for first trimester viability prediction”, Proc. of the 30th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), London, Oct. 2020, pp. 27.
Lirias number: 3420967.


Vaulet T., De Moor B., Naesens M., “Modelling kidney transplant biopsies with a mixture of independent Poisson distributions”, Proc. of the Annual IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter Symposium – Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare, Leuven, Belgium, Nov. 2019.
Lirias number: 3420971.


Al-Memar M., Fourie H., Vaulet T., Bobdiwala S., Saso S., De Moor B., Stalder S., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “Early pregnancy biomarkers for the prediction of first trimester viability”, Proc. of the 29th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2019, pp. 41.
Lirias number: 3420972.


Al-Memar M., Fourie H., Vaulet T., Bobdiwala S., Saso S., De Moor B., Stalder S., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “Early pregnancy biomarkers and prediction of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy”, Proc. of the 29th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2019, pp. 247.
Lirias number: 3420973.


Al-Memar M., Vaulet T., Fourie H., Nikolic G., Bobdiwala S., Farren J., Saso S., Pipi M., De Moor B., Stalder S., Bennett P., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “Impact of intrauterine hematoma on pregnancy outcomes”, Proc. of the 28th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), Singapore, Singapore, Oct. 2018, pp. 46-47.
Lirias number: 2384303.


Fourie H., Al-Memar M., Vaulet T., De Moor B., Timmerman D., Bourne T., “First trimester alpha-fetoprotein levels are high in spontaneous second trimester miscarriage”, Proc. of the 29th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2019, pp. 200.
Lirias number: 3420976.