1. 13-176, De Moor B. (ed), Liber Amicorum Joos Vandewalle, KU Leuven, STADIUS (Leuven, Belgium), 2013, 167 p., Lirias number: 418669.
  2. 11-28, Yu S., Tranchevent L.C., De Moor B., Moreau Y., Kernel-based Data Fusion for Machine Learning, vol. 345 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2011, 200 p., Lirias number: 295758.
  3. 09-283, De Moor B., Liber Amicorum Jan C. Willems, KU Leuven, SISTA (Leuven, Belgium), 2009, 98 p., Lirias number: 418646.
  4. 07-254, Aerts D., Apostel L., De Moor B., Hellemans S., Maex E., Van Belle H., Van der Veken J., World Views : From fragmentation to integrationWorld Views, VUB Press (Brussels, Belgium), 2007, 41 p., Lirias number: 3721366.
  5. 05-128, Markovsky I., Willems J. C., De Moor B., Van Huffel S., Exact and Approximate Modeling of Linear Systems: A Behavioral Approach, SIAM (Philadelphia, US), 2006, 205 p., Lirias number: 181582.
  6. 04-150, De Moor B., Motmans B., Willems J., Van Dooren P., Blondel V., Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Proceedings of Sixteenth Internatinal Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), (ISBN 90-5682-517-8), 2004, 1 p., Lirias number: 180546.
  7. 02-108, Suykens J.A.K., Van Gestel T., De Brabanter J., De Moor B., Vandewalle J., Least Squares Support Vector Machines, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte, Ltd. (Singapore), (ISBN : 981-238-151-1), 2002., Lirias number: 182059.
  8. 96-26a, Van Overschee P., De Moor B., Subspace Identification for Linear Systems: Theory, Implementation, Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 254 p., Lirias number: 179634.
  9. 95-53, Suykens J.A.K., Vandewalle J., De Moor B., Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling and Control of Non-Linear Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, 235 p., Lirias number: 179860.

Edited Books

  1. 95-21, Moonen M., De Moor B., (eds.), SVD and Signal Processing, III: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing, Leuven, Belgium, Aug. 1994, Elsevier, 1995, 485 p., Lirias number: 179914.
  2. 92-63, Moonen M., Golub G., De Moor B., (eds.), Linear Algebra for Large-Scale and Real-Time Applications, Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Leuven, Belgium, Aug. 3-14 1992. Kluwer Academic Publishers. NATO ASI Series, Series E: Applied Sciences, vol.232, 1993., Lirias number: 180728.

Contributions to Books

  1. 16-159, De Moor B., “Will Life Go Live One Day”, in Chapter 1 A Truly Golden Handbook: The Scholarly Quest for Utopia, (Achten V., Bouckaert G., and Schokkaert E., eds.), Leuven University Press (Leuven, Belgium), 2016, pp. 20-35., Lirias number: 550603.
  2. 15-04, O D., El Aalamat Y., Waelkens E., De Moor B., D’Hooghe T., Fassbender A., “Multiproteins-array and endometriosis”, in chapter Biomarkers for Endometriosis, (D’Hooghe T., ed.), springer, 2015, pp. 1-25., Lirias number: 481528.
  3. 14-108, Falck T., De Moor B., Suykens J.A.K., “Kernel Based Identification of Systems with Multiple Outputs using Nuclear Norm Regularization”, in Chapter 17 in Regularization, Optimization, Kernels, and Support Vector Machines, (Suykens J.A.K., Signoretto M., and Argyriou A., eds.), Chapman & Hall/CRC (Boca Raton, USA), 2014, pp. 387-415., Lirias number: 456275.
  4. 13-225, De Moor B., “Massaal, open en online naar een heuse onderwijsomwenteling ?”, in Essay Mee met morgen, (Boenders E., ed.), Academia Press (Brussel, Belgie), 2013, pp. 72-75., Lirias number: 446657.
  5. 10-99, Goethals I., Pelckmans K., Falck T., Suykens J.A.K., De Moor B., “NARX Identification of Hammerstein Systems using Least-Squares Support Vector Machines”, in Chapter 15 of Block-oriented Nonlinear System Identification, (Giri F., and Bai E.-W., eds.), vol. 404 of Lecture notes in control and information sciences, Springer, 2010, pp. 241-256., Lirias number: 278765.
  6. 10-90, De Moor B., Gevaert O., “ICT en eHealth. Nieuwe wegen voor de wetenschap”, in In gesprek met morgen. XXI less voor de eenentwintigste eeuw, (Pattyn B., and Raymaekers B., eds.), Universitaire Pers (Leuven, Belgium), 2010, pp. 15-26., Lirias number: 265438.
  7. 09-226, De Moor B., “Evolutie, complexiteit en creativiteit”, in Chapter 12 Nieuwigheid Denken, (Van Belle H., and Vanderveken J., eds.), ACCO (Leuven, Belgium), 2008, pp. ., Lirias number: 249546.
  8. 09-197, Dreesen P., De Moor B., “Polynomial Optimization Problems are Eigenvalue Problems”, in Chapter 4 of Model-Based Control — Bridging Rigorous Theory and Advanced Technology, (Van den Hof P.M.J., Scherer C., and Heuberger P.S.C., eds.), Springer , 2009, pp. 49–68., Lirias number: 247062.
  9. 09-171, Van Calster B., Gevaert O., Van Holsbeke C., De Moor B., Van Huffel S., Timmerman D., “Clinical decision support for ovarian tumor diagnosis using Bayesian models: Results from the IOTA study”, in Chapter 8 of Computational Intelligence and Bioingineering, (Masulli F., Micheli A., and Sperduti A., eds.), vol. 196 of mph{Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, IOS Press (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), 2009, pp. 111-128., Lirias number: 239981.
  10. 09-108a, Barjas Blanco T., Willems P., Chiang P-K., Cauwenbergh K., De Moor B. and Berlamont J., “Flood Regulation by means of Model Predictive Control”, in Chapter Intelligent Infrastructures, (Negenborn R.R., Lukszo Z., and Hellendoorn J., eds.), Springer, 2009, pp. 1-30., Lirias number: 233011.
  11. 08-77, Daemen A., Gevaert O., Leunen K., Vanspauwen V., Michils G., Legius E., Vergote I., De Moor B., “A genome-wide computational study of copy number variations: an example on ovarian cancer”, in Chapter 9 of Investigating Human Cancer with Computational Intelligence Techniques, (Vellido A., and Lisboa PJG., eds.), Future Technology Press (Shoreham-by-sea, UK), 2009, pp. 107-118., Lirias number: 276188.
  12. 08-14, De Moor B., “From bioinformatics over systems to synthetic biology”, in Book of Lectures for the 21ste Century, Universitaire Pers, Leuven, 2008, 25 p., Lirias number: 179936.
  13. 05-212, Rossiter J. A., Pluymers B., De Moor B., “The Potential of Interpolation for Simplifying Predictive Control and Application to LPV Systems”, in Assessment and Furture Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, vol. 358/2007 of mph{Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences}, Springer, 2007, pp. 63-76., Lirias number: 181528.
  14. 05-205, Pochet N.L.M.M., Ojeda F., De Smet F., De Bie T., Suykens J.A.K., De Moor B.L.R., “Kernel clustering for knowledge discovery in clinical microarray data analysis”, in Chapter 3 Kernel methods in bioengineering, communications and image processing, (Camps-Valls G., Rojo-Alvarez J.L., and Martinez-Ramon M., eds.), Idea Group Inc (Hershey, Pennsylvania), 2005, pp. 64-92., Lirias number: 181277.
  15. 05-159, Immers B., De Moor B., “Traffic congestion problems in Belgium : mathematical models, analysis, simulation, control and actions.”, in Report of Project Sustainable Mobility, (Belspo B., ed.), Belgian Science Policy (Brussels, Belgium), 2005, pp. 175-186., Lirias number: 181533.
  16. 05-16, De Moor B., “Bio-informatica : Hoe algoritmen tot leven brengen”, in Hoe dichtbij is de toekomst ? XXI lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw, (Pattyn B., and Raymaekers B., eds.), Universitaire Pers (Leuven, Belgium), 2005, pp. 25-56., Lirias number: x.
  17. 04-182, Marchal K., De Smet F., Engelen K., De Moor B., “Computational biology and toxicogenomics”, in chapter 3 Predictive toxicology, (Helma C., ed.), Marcel Dekker (New York), 2004, pp. 37-85., Lirias number: 182029.
  18. 04-78, Sheng Q., Moreau Y., De Smet F., Marchal K., De Moor B., “Advances in cluster analysis of microarray data”, in Chapter 10 of Data analysis and visualization in genomics and proteomics, (Azuaje F., and Dopazo J., eds.), Jonh Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Chichester, UK), 2005, pp. 153-173., Lirias number: 180651.
  19. 04-75, Pelckmans K., Goethals I., De Brabanter J., Suykens J.A.K., De Moor B., “Componentwise Least Squares Support Vector Machines”, in Chapter Support Vector Machines: Theory and Applications, (Wang L., ed.), Springer, 2005, pp. 77-98., Lirias number: 180657.
  20. 04-55, Thijs G., De Smet F., Moreau Y., Marchal K., De Moor B., “Gene regulation bioinformatics of microarray data”, in chapter Genomics and Proteomics Engineering, (Metin A., ed.), WileyL/IEEE Press, 2004, pp. 1-41., Lirias number: 180690.
  21. 03-64, De Cock K., De Moor B., “Subspace identification”, in Contribution to section 5.5, “Control systems robotics and automation” of EOLSS, UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, (Unbehauen H.D.), vol. 1 of 3, Eolss Publishers Co., Ltd. (Oxford, UK http://www.eolss.net), 2003, pp. 933-979., Lirias number: 181385.
  22. 03-17, Suykens J.A.K., Van Gestel T., De Brabanter J., De Moor B., Vandewalle J., “Support Vector Machines : Least Squares Approaches and Extensions”, in Chapter 8 of Advances in Learning Theory : Methods, Models and Applications, (Suykens J.A.K., Horvath G., Basu S., Micchelli C. and Vandewalle J., eds.), IOS Press (NATO-ASI Series in Computer and Systems Sciences) (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 2003, pp. 155-178., Lirias number: 181452.
  23. 01-96, De Moor B., “De mens in de technotoop”, in Het neefje van de aap. De schokkende evolutie van de mens, (Droste F.G.), Davidsfonds (Leuven, Belgium), 2003, 352 p., Lirias number: 182375.
  24. 99-88, Vandewalle J., Suykens J.A.K., De Moor B., “Non-linear circuit theory : from private playground for academic researchers to innovative information processing circuits”, in Dedicated to Leon O. Chua on the occasion of this 60th birthday Ad Sexagintas Annos Prospere Celebrandos, (Phua K.K., ed.), World Scientific (Singapore), 1998, pp. 155-157., Lirias number: 178961.
  25. 97-61, De Moor B., “Convergence of an algorithm for the Riemannian SVD”, in Open problems in Mathematical System and Control Theory, (Blondel V.C., Sontag E.D., Vidyasagar M., Willems J.C., eds.), of Communications and Control Engineering Series, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 95-99., Lirias number: 179330.
  26. 95-54, De Moor B., “Structured total least squares for Hankel matrices”, in 13 Communications, Computation, Control and Signal Processing, (Paulray A., Roychowdhury V., and Schaper C.D., eds.), A tribute to Thomas Kailath, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. 243-258., Lirias number: 179859.
  27. 95-28, De Moor B., Vandewalle J., Barbe A., Engelen J., Lisotten L., Aernoudt E., Van Huffel S., “Hoop en angst in de postmoderne technotoop”, in Wegen van Hoop: Universitaire perspectieven, (Pattyn B., Raymaekers B., Steel C., Van Gorp H., C. De Ranter, Dupre A., and Bellen M.J., eds.), Universitaire Pers, Leuven, 1995, pp. 277-293., Lirias number: 179902.
  28. 94-55, De Moor B., “De postmoderne technotoop”, in Bijdrage voor ANNO, Stichting Kunstboek, Brugge, Nov. 1994, 14 p., Lirias number: 180052.
  29. 94-26, Aerts D., Apostel L., De Moor B., Hellemans S., Maex E., Van Belle H., Van der Veken J., “Wereldbeelden, Wetenschap en Technologie, in `Cirkelen om de wereld'”, in DNB Pelckmans, 1994, 26 p., Lirias number: 180249.
  30. 93-59, Schelfhout G., Van Overschee P., De Moor B., “Frequency weighted $H_2$ model reduction”, in Nonlinear Numerical Methods and Rational Approximation II, (A. Cuyt, ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, pp. 187-199., Lirias number: 180422.
  31. 93-26, De Moor B., “Wereldbeelden: Naar een Atlas van Modellen van de Wereld”, in Bevrijding of Bedreiging door Wetenschap en Techniek, Genootschap Wetenschap, Techniek en Maatschappij (Technologisch Instituut KVIV), DNB/Uitgeverij Pelckmans (Kapellen, Belgium), 1993, pp. 125-134., Lirias number: 180488.
  32. 92-09, Van Impe J., Bastin G., De Moor B., Van Breusegem V., Vandewalle J., “Optimal adaptive control of fed-batch fermentation processes with growth/production decoupling”, in Modeling and control of biotechnical processes 1992, (Karim M.N., and Stephanopoulos G., eds.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1992, pp. 351-354., Lirias number: 180839.
  33. 91-46, Apostel L., De Moor B., Hellemans S., Lesthaege R., Van Belle H., Van der Veken J., Van Geen R., Van Landschoot J., “Wereldbeelden, van fragmentering naar integratie”, in DNB Pelckmans, 1991, 84 p., Lirias number: 180860.