Policy Work of Bart De Moor

Bart De Moor served three times (1991-1992, 1994-1999, 2006-2008) as head of cabinet of ministers of Science and Socio-Economic Policy in Belgium/Flanders and acted as a vice-rector of International Policy of his university KU Leuven (2009-2012).

Since 2019, he is one of the architects and coordinators of the large Flanders AI program that involves all 5 universities and 4 strategic research institutes in Flanders.

He is the chairman of the Capricorn Digital Growth Fund (venture capital) since 2018, of Health-House (a high-tech biomedicine science outreach centre) since 2015, of the Alamire Foundation (digital humanities, polyphonic music) since 2016, of VAIA, Flanders AI Academy since 2020, and co-founded Technopolis (children’s science centre) in 1999.

In Flanders, he was/is member in or chair of several scientific institutes, including the Flanders Biotech Institute (VIB) and science funding agencies.

Memberships and other engagements

As a distinguished expert in science, innovation, development and science communication, Bart De Moor is and has been a member of over 28 councils and juries. Among whom some for the national state television VRT (adviescommissie O&I), Awards for new developments (ICOS Creativity Award, ICT Trends-prijs, Tech Art-prijs) and young talents (Barco Bachelor-prijs).

His work as board member and scientific director of iMinds helped establish Flanders as one of the most innovative regions in Europe.

Institutional Responsibilities

2021-present: Member of the Board of “Ignatius in Beweging” (Jesuit School Network)

2020-present: Chairman of the Board of Capricorn Digital Growth Fund (CDGF, venture capital)

2019-present: Member of the Board of UCSIA (Jesuit Academic Foundation)

2017-present: Founding Chairman of Health House (high-tech health experience center)

2015-present: Member Steering Group Leuven Mindgate

2014-present: Member of the Board of Officenter

2009-present: Chairman Alamire Foundation (Center fro the Study of Polyphonic Music)

2009-2014: Founding Board member Leuven International School

2009-2013: Chairman Committee Internationalisation & Development Cooperation Flemish University Council

2009-2013: Member of the Board KU Leuven

2007-2015: Chairman Industrial Research Fund KU Leuven

2007-2011: Board Member iMinds (merged since 2017 with IMEC)

2007-2015: Chairman Board Hercules Foundation (scientific infrastructure funding agency, merged in 2015 with FWO)

2000-2005: Board member Belgian Nuclear Research Center, Belgium

1999-now: Secretary Board (till 2015), Member Scientific Committee of Technopolis (Flanders Children’s Science Experience Center)

1995-now: Member Board, renumeration, investment, strategic committees : Flanders Biotech Research Institute

Commission of Trust

2018-present: Scientific architect and coordinator of Flanders AI Program (32 mio €/year), involving universities, research institutes and industry

2020-present: Chairman of the Board of FAIA (Flanders AI Academy)

2018-present: Member ESGAB (European Statistical Governance Advisory Board, nominated by the European Council decision 18/12/2017 (2017/C 439/03))

2017-2018: ‘Sherpa’ for Belgium in the European High Performance Computing Initiative

2016-2018: Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Science Europe

2016-present: Member Int. Scientific Advisory Board of Wallenberg Autonomous Systems ProgramKnut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation


2021: Member of the assessment committee of KTH, Stockholm

2020-2021: Chairman of the assessment committee of the Electrical Engineering Institute Nicola Tesla

2015-2019: Chairman University Research Policy Assessment Committee, Finish Academy of Sciences

2015-2019: Member committeeof the Villum Young Investigator Grants of the Velux Foundation, Denmark

2015-present: Member of committees in the Swedish, Norwegian, Irish and Luxembourg Science/Research councils

2013-2020: Member Panel Starters Grant Computer Sciences European Research Council

2013-2014: Member National Tenure Track Commission for Control and Automation in Italy

2010-2012: Chairman of the Education Assessment Panel (for NVAO) as well as the Research Assessment Panel of Electrical Engineering University Departments in The Netherlands

2006-2008: Selection Committees member for Linnaeus Centers of Excellence (Sweden) and UNIK (Denmark)

2014-present: member Board AstraZeneca Foundation

2013-present: Member Board Trustees Danish National Research Foundation

Technology transfer

My contribution to our university KU Leuven being ranked 7th in the Thomson-Reuters ranking of most innovative universities in the world (1st in Europe), has been the creation of 8 spin-off companies: Ipcos, Transport & Mobility Leuven, Trendminer, Cartagenia, UGentec, Lindacare, Aspect Analytics

Patents: Co-holder of several patents

Member of the Advisory Committee of the Capricorn Health-tech Investment Fund

Science Outreach

2019: Co-founder of Math popularizing website

2016-now: Patron of STEM Training Website

2015-now: Founder & Chairman Board of Health House (high-tech health experience center)

2015-2017: Member of the Flanders STEM Platform

2009-now: Patron STEM Olympiad

2009-now: Trustee of RVO-Society

2005- & 2015: Teacher KU Leuven Children’s University

2002-now: Regular guest appearances in science outreach programs on national radio and television

1992-now: Co-founder interdisciplinary philosophical think-tank Worldviews