
Bart De Moor is professor at the STADIUS research group of KU Leuven, Belgium.

His research looks into the mathematical models that push innovation forwards. He ties his research into algebra to the common good, branching out into bioinformatics and systems biology.

Research Topics

Numerical Linear Algebra

  • (Linear/generalized) complementarity problems
  • Max-algebra and hybrid systems
  • Generalized singular value decompositions
  • Structured Total Least
  • Squares problems
  • Multilinear algebra
  • Quantum-computing and quantum information theory
  • Polynomial optimization problems

System Identification And Advanced Process Control

  • Subspace identification
  • Model Predictive Control
  • System and control theory

Numerical Datamining

  • Textmining
  • Least-squares support vector machines

Bioinformatics and systems Biology

Bioinformatics @KU Leuven

Research Platforms

  • Mede-stichter en Coördinator van BioSCENTer: Het KU Leuven Centrum voor Bio-Wetenschap, Bio-Engineering, Bio-Technologie (100 professoren en 400 postdocs/PhD’s (2007-heden)
  • Mede-stichter en Coordinator van K.U.Leuven-SymBioSys : Excellentiecentrum in Systems and Computational Biology (2005- heden)
  • Mede-stichter van K.U.Leuven-OPTEC : Excellentiecentrum in Optimization in Engineering ( (2005-heden)
  • Mede-stichter en Coördinator van KUL-SCORES : Systems, Control and Optimization in Research, Education and Services (co-piloten : ESAT-SCD (B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle), PMA (J. De Schutter, J. Swevers), BioTeC (J. Van Impe) (2004-heden)
  • Mede-stichter van KUL-ProMeta : Proteaomics and Metabolomics Center (co-piloten : ESAT-SCD (B. De Moor), Centrum voor Microbiële en Plantengenetica (J. Vanderleyden), Dierenfysiologie en neurobiologie (L. Schoofs), Biochemie (E. Waelkens), Microbiologie en immunologie (P. Proost), Lab. medicinale Chemie (J. Rozenski) (2004-heden)
  • Coördinator van de Interuniversitaire Attractiepool BioMagNet (Bioinformatics and Modelling : from genomes to networks) Brochure
  • IUAP Dysco
  • iMinds : Future Health Department (now imec)

Research Activities

Scientific Disciplines

Numerical (multi-) linear algebra and algebraic geometry (generalized singular value decompositions, multi-dimensional SVD, generalized linear complementary problems, quantum information theory, numerical linear algebra approach to rooting sets of polynomial equations)

Dynamical System Theory and Identification, data science, machine learning (subspace identification, support vector machines)

Advanced Control Theory (observers, computer aided control system design)

Application Areas

Industry 4.0

Subspace system identification and control of the synthesis section of a Urea plant, of the dipping section of a capsule manufacturing process, data driven identification of several Belgiun river basins (flood avoidance), forecasting models for indoor CO2 concentration, modelling (prevention of) flutter for airplane wings, model-based data assimilation for microclimate air-quality forecasting, smart grid Belgian electrical load forecasting (3000 transformers, sampled every 15 min during 5 years)

Medical Decision Support Systems

Belgian health insurance prescription records analysis, automation of intensive care DSS, algorithms for automated PCR analysis, hospital prediction of duration stay software

Publications: Books, Papers, Other

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1991-now: Promotor of 82 PhD theses (see Mathematical Genealogy), all worldwide active in academia (30 %), industry (60 %), government agencies (10 %)

1991-now: Host of 46 postdoctoral researchers and visiting professors

1991-now: Promotor of 200+ master theses in masters mathematical engineering, statistics, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, electrical engineering

Teaching Activities

KU Leuven: Courses on System Theory and Control, Computer Aided Control System Design, System Identification, Case studies in Mathematical Engineering, Entrepreneurship

Graduate (PhD) courses in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, USA

Organisation of scientific meetings

1997: Program Chairman of European Control Conference, Brussels, 750 attendees

2004: Chair of the Conference of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, 600 attendees

2019: Organizer of the Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houthalen, 150 attendees

At numerous occasions: Member of the organizing/program committees of the Conference on Systems Identification (SYSID), European Control Conference (ECC), Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, …

Coordinator of and contributor to numerous research projects, funded by regional, Belgian and European funding agencies and third parties (full list

Bibliometry : 86 675 citations ; H-index 124

Web of Science: H-index 72 ; Total cited: 21 482 (without self-citation 20 904)

Ranked 15th all-time top PhD advisors in mathematics (

 Ranked 76th worldwide and ranked 1st for Belgium in top H-index for Computer Science and Electronics (


Regular reviewer for journals of IEEE, SIAM, IFAC and their major conferences, regular proposal reviewer for Belgian and European Funding Agencies and jury member

Memberships of Societies

Fellow of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers

Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Member of the American Mathematical Society

Member of the International Federation of Automatic Control

Elected member of  Royal Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts

Member of VIRA (Organisation of Belgian diplomates and international representatives)

Member of ie-net (Flanders Engineering Association)

Member of ‘Academische Stichting Leuven’