AI as an agent of change – Symposium in Brussels

“There is an inherent paradox in our trust in Artificial Intelligence. We want to use AI to better control our future but through its predictive algorithms, AI reduces our freedom to shape such a future.

AI must therefore be flanked by our human capacity as an ‘agent of change’ to maintain a shared, open future.

Helga Nowotny, Thinker-in-residence

In 2023, the KVAB Thinkers-in-residence Programme has reflected on the most recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence and on the question of their implications for our view of humanity: autonomy, self-determination, the need for a ‘digital humanism’.

From strategic research and training needs to ethical challenges and outreach to the general public: we aimed to develop advice on new policy objectives for Flanders. During the symposium, our Thinker-in-Residence Helga Nowotny will present her findings and open the floor for questions and discussion. 

Impact of AI on arts: An Exhibition

Recent advancements in AI have strongly impacted the arts. This facet will also be highlighted, through  intriguing crossovers between AI and visual arts, poetry and music. A unique one-day exhibition can be experienced the day of the final symposium, during registration at 9 am and during coffee and lunch breaks.   VISUAL ARTS: Danny Devos explores the use of AI in art, applied on “La revolte des machines ou la pensée déchaînée”of Frans Masereel

POETRY:Maarten Inghels (former city poet of Antwerp): poem boot with generative AI, raising issues to the audience

MUSIC EXPERIMENT: Andrew Claes andFrascati Symphonic provide a live performance of new compositions generated with AI and played by classical musicians.

Symposium Programme

    Presentator/moderator:Jan Hautekiet
    • Welcome and opening words
    • Christoffel Waelkens, President KVAB
    • Presentation of the Thinkers’ report
    • Helga Nowotny, Thinker-in-residence  
  • 10:50 COFFEE
  • 11:10 PLENARY SESSION 2 
    • Panel Discussion with artists
      Chair: Luc Steels (in Dutch) Danny De Vos, visual artist Maarten Inghels, poet Andrew Claes, musician Kris Stroobants, conductor Frascati Symphonic Insights of researchers on AI Ann Dooms, VUB Johan Wagemans, KU Leuven Walter Daelemans, UAntwerpen
  • 12:30 LUNCH
    Discussion and brainstorming with the audience in three parallel working groups: Formal education from kindergarten to universities Citizens for AI – AI for citizens Questions for research
  • 15:40 COFFEE
  • 16:00 PLENARY SESSION 3: How is Flanders doing in AI?
    Bart De Moor, KU Leuven
  • Closing speech
  • 16:30 RECEPTION


Prof. Dr. Bart De Moor, KU Leuven
       Co-coordinator FAIR (Flanders AI Research program) and Chairman VAIA (Flanders AI Academy)
       Chairman Athumi (Flanders Data Utility Company)

As AI will be pervasive in all dimensions of society, we can call it a new system technology. Five years ago, an ambitious multi-year Flanders AI Research program was launched (
It involves the five universities, the four Strategic Research Centra, several employer’s organisations and government administrations in Flanders. We will provide a conscise survey on its content and organisation. We will also elaborate on how the Flanders AI Academy ( facilitates the AI demand articulation for potential AI users, and delivers a wide spectrum in life-long learning activities.
Last but not least, we will discuss the future deployment of the newly estabilished Flanders Data Utility Company, athumi (, that is to build intelligent personalizable data vaults, where data will flow smoothly between business, public administrations and citizens.