President of Switzerland, Dr. Ignazio Cassis, visits KU Leuven and Health-House

On Friday November 25th 2022, the Province of Flemish Brabant and KU Leuven were hosting a lunch in honor of the president of Switzerland, Dr. Ignazio Cassis, and his spouse Dr. Paola Rodoni Cassis. 

Speakers at the lunch, which was also attended by rector prof. Dr. Luc Sels, were the Governor of Flemish Brabant, Jan Spooren, the President himself and the world-renowned virologist Prof. Dr. Peter Piot.

The lunch was followed by a short guided tour in the Beguinage, owned by the University. 

The presidential couple, both being medical doctors, then visited Health-House, before departing back to Brussels to attend an evening concert in the presence of  King Filip and Queen Mathilde of Belgium.