System identification at ESAT-STADIUS


SCD-STADIUS is a research group of the electrical engineering department of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. On this site we give an overview of system identification related research at SISTA. Where available, preprints of our papers and related software can be downloaded from the site.

The aim of system identification is to construct models from data. Two popular approaches are prediction error minimization and subspace identification. Our research group is well-known for the development of subspace identification algorithms. Predictor error methods are based on local optimization algorithms, while subspace methods are based on geometric operations on subspaces spanned by matrices obtained from data and do not involve explicit optimization criteria. Hence, in general, subspace methods are fast and reliable, however, less accurate than the computationally heavier prediction error methods.

Research topics




List of all STADIUS publications related to system identification.

List of all STADIUS publications related to system identification.


System identification groups


Books and course notes

  • Subspace Identification for Linear Systems: Theory, Implementation, Applications

  • Exact and Approximate Modeling of Linear Systems: A Behavioral Approach