TITLE: Applications and trends in wireless acoustic sensor networks: a signal processing perspective
AUTHORS: Alexander Bertrand
ABSTRACT: Wireless microphone networks or so-called wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs) are a next-generation technology for audio acquisition and processing. As opposed to traditional microphone arrays that sample a sound field only locally, often at large distances from the relevant sound sources, WASNs allow to use many more microphones to cover a large area of interest. However, the design of such WASNs is very challenging, especially for real-time audio acquisition and signal enhancement due to the significant data traffic in the network. There is a need for scalable solutions, both on the signal processing level and on the network-communication level. In this paper, we give an overview of applications and trends in the field of WASNs, and we address the core challenges that need to be tackled. We mainly focus on the signal processing level, and we explain how advances in the area of signal processing can relax the high-demanding constraints on the network layer design. Furthermore, we address the interaction between the application layer and the network layer, and we explain why cross-layer design can be important to improve the performance of WASN applications.
STATUS: Published in Proc. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (SCVT), Ghent, Belgium, November 2011 (invited paper)