[DAISY Home page] [STADIUS] [Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)] [Faculty of Engineering] [KU Leuven]


(STADIUS's Identification Database)

The Datasets

One can use this database in the two directions of a matrix, the columns of which are datasets in the different disciplines, the rows being different identifications methods. When moving vertically in this table, we have a typical applied problem which can be analysed using several methods. When moving horizontally, we could aim at trying out one method or one algorithm and illustrate its performance and robustness on several applications.

Important: if you use one of the following datasets, you should refer to it in your publications (because of the reproducibility). It's not obvious to refer to data on the Internet, but we strongly suggest that you refer to a dataset, or to the database in general, like this:

De Moor B.L.R. (ed.), DaISy: Database for the Identification of Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, ESAT/STADIUS, KU Leuven, Belgium, URL: http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~smc/daisy/, date of visit. [Used dataset: name of dataset, section Name of section, code number.]
We're composing a list of publications based on DaISy datasets (which should help in obtaining the goals of DaISy such as comparison). So if you write such a publication, we would be very grateful if you could send the reference to SMC.

The datasets are compressed by gzip.

Process Industry Systems

Electrical/Electronic Systems

Mechanical Systems

Biomedical Systems

Biochemical Systems

Econometric Systems

Environmental Systems

Classical Systems

Thermic Systems


Time series

[DAISY Home page] [STADIUS] [Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)] [Faculty of Engineering] [KU Leuven]
This file is maintained by SMC.
Data last modified on February 14, 2006. This file was generated on Oct 10, 2000.