1 April 2020: ERC 2019 Advanced grants call evaluation results

The evaluation results of the 2019 Advanced grant call have been announced by ERCEA. 185 applications are eligible for funding out of a total of 1881 applications submitted. Among the 185 Principle Investigators are 4 PIs affiliated with a Flemish host institution.

  • Michel Van Den Bergh, Universiteit Hasselt, “SCHEMES – Schobers, Mutations and Stability”, PE1
  • Dries van Thourhout, Universiteit Gent, “NARIoS – Nano-Ridge Engineering for Densely Integrated III-V Lasers Directly Grown on Silicon” PE7
  • Bart de Moor, KU Leuven, “Back to the Roots – Back to the roots of data-driven dynamical system identification”, PE7
  • Jan Opsomer, KU Leuven, “PlatoVIaAristotle – Not another history of Platonism. The role of Aristotle’s criticisms of Plato in the development of ancient Platonism”, SH5