
Main idea

The idea of the practicum is to build a controller for a mechanical system. There are 4 systems available: the Inverted Pendulum (IP), the Rotary Inverted Pendulum (RIP), the Seesaw (SS) and the Rotary Flexible Joint (RFJ). The practicum can roughly be divided in 3 parts:

  • Building a simulink model of the mechanical system and designing an LQR-controller in simulink.
  • Testing the controller on the true mechanical system (in room ESAT Lab 02.50).
  • Further tuning if necessary and writing a report about your work. Dedicate an important part of your report to explaining the differences between the behavior of the controller in the simulation and on the true mechanical system.

Reservation of the Practicum

In order to be able to test your controller on the true setup you will have to make a reservation in our reservation system. At each moment only 2 of 4 setups can be installed simultaneously in room ESAT Lab 02.50. We have made an initial list of timeslots and setups that will be available. Use the reservation database to put your group number in a set of desired timeslots. If you think you have a good reason to make changes in the list of timeslots, add or remove slots, send us a well motivated request. It is also good practice to inform Fernando before coming to the practicum to make sure that the door will be open and the setup in place.

  • You should only make a reservation when you need to try out your control design on the real physical setup, that is, when you are addressing the section 3 of your assignment, "The Proof of the Pudding". There is no point to reserve the lab when you are still working on the first two sections that can be perfectly done in a computer room or with your PC/Laptop. For more info, please check the section "Assignments/Practical Sessions/in brief, what you have to do in the practical sessions" in Toledo.

  • Please, do not reserve excessive amounts of slots, and cancel any remaining reserved timeslots once your practicum has finished. The state of the database will be regularly checked. Abuse of the system will not be tolerated.

  • In order to use the PCs in the Lab you need to have an ESAT account. You can create an ESAT account by following the instructions given in this page: You must be officially enrolled in the course to follow those steps.
    • How to login?
      • Username: LUNA\rxxxxxxx
      • Password: (your Luna domain password)

IMPORTANT (Please read carefully)

  • For the section 3 of your assigment, i.e., "The Proof of the Pudding", it is necessary to use the templates provided and Matlab 2021b and Simulink 10.4. You MUST open such templates using only the mentioned Matlab version (which is the one installed in the PCs of the Lab) in order to avoid compatibility problems. So, do not open the templates with a different Matlab version.

  • Update of the Manuals . In the current manuals, it is said that in order to run the real-time Simulink diagram you have to follow three steps, namely, "Build Model", "Connect To Target" and "run". However, this is no longer needed! Now things are way easier. The only thing that you have to do is to click the "Play" button in the tab "DESKTOP REAL-TIME".

Groups for the Practicum (2023-2024)

Group Number Setup Student 1 Student 2
1 IP Noa Pauwels Thomas Martens
2 RIP Jasper Visterin Senne Chiang
3 RFJ Rick de Kroon Basil Liekens
4 SS Zakaria Loukili Mohammed Andiche
5 IP Zander Van Den Bosch Loic de Wit
6 RIP Aline Hartgers Sabrine Chentouf
7 RFJ Anna Proost Andries Macken
8 SS Lander Van Hevel Ruben Leenknecht
9 IP Lise Guilliams Matisse Teuwen
10 RIP Antoine Lemaire Victor Lepere
11 RFJ Iskander Van Heuckelom Yassin El Mars
12 SS Thomas Varheust Simon Desimpelaere
13 IP Niels Vanhamel
14 RIP Arwen Mannaert Matija Tomic
15 RFJ Matthias Van Eysendeyk Karel Tuyaerts
16 SS Hadrien Nobels Clemence Duplat
17 IP Ruben Min Jou Henri Vermeersch
18 RIP Leonie Van Pottelberghe Ben Poelmans
19 RFJ Izabela Trepacova Aram Lissens
20 SS Jonas Eerdekens Maurice Menu
21 IP Lode Keppens Alexandre Haverbeke
22 RIP Ruben Janssen Tjorben Godeau
23 RFJ Simon Haepers
24 SS Tudor Horia Niculescu
25 IP Margot Devillers Marielle Smith
26 RIP Vladimir Kitanovski Jose Rouxinol
27 RFJ Corentin Bonte
28 SS Joppe De Boe

IP = Inverted Pendulum.
RIP = Rotary Inverted Pendulum.
RFJ = Rotary Flexible Joint.
SS = Seesaw.

Notice:  If someone is not in the list, please let us know (

Last update: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 10:00:00

Inverted Pendulum (IP)

Rotary Inverted Pendulum (RIP)

Seesaw (SS)



Data files


Rotary Flexible Joint (RFJ)