MyHealthData Scenarios for a patient s use of healthcare data


Financing: Flanders' digital research center and incubator (iMinds)

Project reference Nr.: ICON2014-bioi_MyHealthData
Start: 2015-01-01
End: 2016-12-31



Although a lot of healthcare related data exist in Flanders, only a very limited part of it is available to the patient/citizen. MyHealthData investigates the potential added value of disclosing healthcare data to the patient, by providing future scenarios for successful data uses. We will focus on the possibilities of data usage (analytics & visualisation), the interplay with and effect on patient and caregiver (user experience), and legal implications, in a joint endeavour of all involved stakeholders, i.e. patients, caregivers, evidence-based medicine actors, EHR (Electronic Health Record) providers, health insurers and the government. In the proof-of-concept patient portal MyHealthData, tools to explore medical and medical use data will be devised. With these tools, we will interactively investigate with patients,which future scenarios built on 'healthcare big data' should be strived for. 


SMC people involved in the project:

  • Jan Aerts (Co-promoter)
  • Karin Slegers (Co-promoter)
  • Griet Verhenneman (Co-promoter)
  • Patrick Vankrunkelsven (Co-promoter)
  • Bart De Moor (Co-promoter)
  • Joris Klerkx (Co-promoter)
  • Stijn Van de Velde (External Partner)
  • Sara Verschueren (External Partner)
  • Bram Peters (External Partner)
  • Pieter Baeyaert (Project Leader)
  • Marc Claesen (Proposal Manager)
  • Inge Thijs (Proposal Manager)