Mass Spectrometry Imaging for pathology and drug discovery


Financing: Flanders' digital research center and incubator (iMinds)

Project reference Nr.: ICON2014-bioi_MSIpad
Start: 2015-01-01
End: 2016-12-31


In this project we will explore the application of Mass Spectrometry-based Imaging (MSI) of tissues as a universal toolbox in clinical pathology and drug discovery. This tool can provide an objective and evidence-based interpretation in cases where classical tools do not allow proper differentiation, e.g. in order to reach optimal clinical management and patient outcome. 

The major drawbacks of MSI are the high costs, the long measuring time and the complex dataprocessing. These drawbacks will be tackled in this project and the applied strategy will be evaluated using 2 selected case studies. Also the applicability in the larger community will be evaluated. The consortium represents all relevant stakeholders, covering hardware, software, end-users (pathology and biotech), reference leaders in clinical pathology and business modeling.


SMC people involved in the project:

  • Etienne Waelkens (Co-promoter)
  • Bart De Moor (Co-promoter)
  • Thomas Tousseyn (External Partner)
  • Gerard Griffioen (External Partner)
  • Wim Waelput (Project Leader)
  • Nico Verbeeck (Proposal Manager)
  • Dusan Popovic (Research Leader)