Developing new quantum algorithms


Financing: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)

Project reference Nr.: G.0452.04
Start: 2004-01-01
End: 2007-12-31

We are searching for new quantum algorithms that perform better than their classical counter parts. It is well known that quantum computers working with only stabilizer states and Clifford operations can be efficiently simulated on classical computers. Nevertheless the mathematics of the Clifford group seems an interesting way to get some grasp on the myriad of possibilities in which simple unitary operations could be composed to yield possible useful quantum algorithms. In our approach we add two ingredients to the Clifford group approach. One is working with conditional Clifford operations. The other is trying to avoid the pitfall of straightforward efficient classical simulation by forcing such simulators to simulate part of the program on an exponential number of "simulatable" inputs.

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