Robust algorithms for regulatory network inference based on expression measurements and biological a prioir information


Financing: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)

Project reference Nr.: G.0413.03
Start: 2003-01-01
End: 2006-12-31

In this project we like to reconstruct the regulatory network, active in the studied biological system, based on the gene expression measurements. De most important step in network inference is to learn as much as possible dependencies between gene and gene products from the raw expression data. As method of choice we opt for Bayesian networks which allow us to model joint probability distributions over a large collection of variables. Practically the goal of the project is to combine implementations of the most advanced algorithms in a platform that is usable inference program. This program is coupled with in-house developed machine learning tools to model the prior knowledge. The focus is on (a) the development of necessary extensions of Bayesian networks and (b) the thorough evaluation of the robustness of the inferences process. Given the high cost of the molecular experiments based on our results, the methodology should be very robust and reliable. Therefore we first like to develop a testgenerator from the data available in public databases on regulatory networks. Second we implement alternative techniques for parts of the process and compare the different results.

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