Cooperative behaviour in systems: control and optimization


Financing: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)

Project reference Nr.: G.0226.06
Start: 2006-01-01
End: 2009-12-31

The main objectives of this research proposal "Cooperative behaviour in systems: control and optimization'' are: 1. Modeling and control of interconnected systems based on local control. 2. The study of networks of oscillators: phase-locking and synchronization. 3. Developing a system theoretical framework for the analysis and design of coupled search processes in relation to optimization theory (local and global) for solving continuous and discrete optimization problems. 4. Studying different coupling mechanisms and hierarchical schemes with respect to efficiency, computational complexity and distributed computing for solving optimization problems. 5. Networks of robots as a testbed. This allows for a verification of the theory beyond simulation. There is a complementary expertise of the SYSTeMS group and ESAT-SCD-SISTA.

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