Optimization in Engineering Center


Financing: Internal Funding KU Leuven (KU Leuven)

Project reference Nr.: PFV/10/002
Start: 2010-11-01
End: 2017-10-31


Principle investigator is prof. dr. ir. Moritz Diehl.

The overall scientific aim of OPTEC is to set mathematical optimization as a standard methodologyin engineering research and development by extending existing and developing new optimizationmethods and software, driven by application needs. Its focus is on continuous optimization – convexand nonlinear – rather than on discrete optimization. Optimization in engineering is by essence a researcharea that crosses the boundaries of various engineering disciplines like mechanical, chemical, electrical,construction, energy, transport, biomedical and bio-engineering. This special position provides opportunitiesfor added value on two levels:_ first, to develop optimization methodologies and the relevant software for specific classes of applicationsin each of the different engineering disciplines. These methodologies can afterwards be re-used asoff-the-shelf methods and software by engineers in these disciplines._ second, to design in cooperation with engineers in the various disciplines optimization methodologiesfor real-world multidisciplinary problems that challenge the existing methods and, hence, urge the needfor new approaches.


SMC people involved in the project: