Intelligent Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems


Financing: European Funding (EU Funding)

Project reference Nr.: oc-2008-1-1937/IC0806
Start: 2009-01-26
End: 2013-05-10
Project website:

Everyday life relies heavily on the reliable operation and intelligent management of large-scale critical infrastructures, such as electric power systems, telecommunication networks, and water distribution networks. The design, monitoring, control and security of such systems are becoming increasingly more challenging as their size, complexity and interactions are steadily growing. Moreover, these critical infrastructures are susceptible to natural disasters, frequent failures, as well as malicious attacks. There is an urgent need to develop a common system-theoretic framework for modeling the behavior of critical infrastructure systems and for designing algorithms for intelligent monitoring, control and security of such systems. This COST Action (IntelliCIS) will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the areas of computational intelligence and autonomous agents, with specific emphasis on the application of these methodologies in monitoring and controlling large-scale distributed complex systems. This will be achieved by the development of innovative techniques and algorithms for fault tolerant operation of critical infrastructures and their evaluation by theoretical analysis and simulation. The Action will be a catalyst for instigating interdisciplinary interaction and will promote collaboration between industry, academia and research organizations on the subject of security, quality, reliability, and efficiency of critical infrastructure systems.
Keywords: computational intelligence and system theory, critical infrastructure systems, electric power systems, telecommunication systems, water distribution networks.

SMC people involved in the project: