Determining genetic markers for platinumsensitivity in ovarian cancer


Financing: Other Funding Agencies (OTHER)

Project reference Nr.: Onkelinckx-NKP_29_039
Start: 2010-01-01
End: 2011-01-01


Overall Aim of the proposal

            In this proposal, we will use an unbiased approach to determine which genetic alterations (both mutations and copy numbers) and microRNAs are predictive for the incidence of ovarian cancer, subsequent disease prognosis, as well as efficacy of chemotherapy. By dividing our study population in platinum-responsive and platinum-resistant phenotypes, we will especially focus on determining genetic markers for platinum-sensitivity. Understanding the genetic basis underlying platinum resistance will lead to more effective individualized treatments and will avoid exposing patients unnecessarily to damaging, ineffective and costly agents. This would increase the quality of life and hopefully the survival of the patient and in addition, a reduction in the treatment expenses is expected.


SMC people involved in the project: