Virtual Institute of Central Receiver Power Plants



Project reference Nr.: VH-VI-308
Start: 2008-01-01
End: 2010-12-31

The “Virtual Institute of Central Receiver Power Plants” (vICERP) aims to overcome the existing uncertainties in the design, control and operation of this complex energy system in order to support the market penetration of this highly efficient technology.  There is an essential lack of complex simulation models that are able to reduce the design and operation risk associated to the intermitted energy input to such a complex energy system.
The objectives are
• to develop new object-oriented modelling capabilities that allow performing a transient
analysis in different scales of time and spatial resolution for complex central receiver
energy systems  
• to validate their models with the operation results of the Central Receiver Demonstration
Plant in Jülich
• to identify the impact of innovations in the field of Central Receiver Systems (CRS) based on validated models and develop a research roadmap
• to perform joint research projects together with industry partners to overcome design
uncertainties for this technology
• to promote scientific education of young scientist by additional lectures, seminars,
exchanges and specific Ph.D. and Master theses
• to position the existing national research and industry capabilities effectively in the
international competitive environment  
The vICERP requests a start-up financing from the “HGF Impuls- und Vernetzungsfond” that will be used to perform a number of PhD theses that help to set-up and validate a comprehensive


SMC people involved in the project: