Algorithms for Medical and Biological Research, Integration, Computation and Software


Financing: Internal Funding KU Leuven (KU Leuven)

Project reference Nr.: GOA/2005/11
Start: 2004-10-01
End: 2009-09-30

The main emphasis will be on the development and further analysis of concepts and algorithms in mathematical engineering, focussed on biomedical signal processing and bio-informatics. The main reasons for this focus are the spectacular and far reaching technological breakthroughs in measurement and sensing devices in bio(techno)logy and computing power, the progress in fundamental understanding of biological mechanisms (e.g. the Human Genome Project) and the increasing availability of (ultra-)large datasets. The projects aims to answer challenges posed in this domain by so-called biodata features, such as the low signal-to-noise ratios of biological observations, the fact that in biology 'qualitative' knowledge is often readily available, the exponential trends in numbers and sizes of data- and bio-material-bases and clinical (patient)databases, the heterogeneous nature of available data on different levels in time and 'scale' (cell-proteome-transciptime...). Three majos classes of algorithms will be explored: 'Classical' statistical-numerical approaches; signal-analysis-based methods and dynamical systems based modelling. The algorithms will then be customized towards several bio-application areas: biomedical signal processing, clinical data-driven predictive data processing, systems biology, bionic systems (hearing aids). In a final workpackage, critical enabling software methodologies (dealing with bio-informatics and security aspects) will be developed.

SMC people involved in the project: