K.U.Leuven Center for Computational Systems Biology


Financing: Internal Funding KU Leuven (KU Leuven)

Project reference Nr.: EF/05/007
Start: 2005-11-01
End: 2012-10-31
Project website:

SymBioSys, the K.U.Leuven Center for Computational Systems Biology, is an interfaculty platform that brings together top expertise in bioinformatics, statistics, and life sciences from 7 K.U.Leuven partners. Its ambition is to become worldwide a leading center for computational systems biology. The consortium builds upon existing bioinformatics research and collaborations between the consortium partners. The growth of bioinformatics at the K.U.Leuven has been driven so far by a strong need for bioinformatics expertise within the university and outside, creating numerous research opportunities. At this point however, there is an urgent need for a larger scale collaborative structure such as this center. Indeed, the amount and the complexity of the data, which biologists now generate using high-throughput “omics” technologies, forces a paradigm shift upon the research methodology that can only be tackled in an intimate collaboration between biology and computation. The consortium aspires to excellence in three problems in computational systems biology: (1) gene prioritization by genomic data fusion, (2) regulatory module discovery, and (3) network inference. These problems have been chosen because of their high level of innovation, the already established expertise, and the biological importance in the respective fields of research. The proposal consists of three workpackages corresponding to these problems and where the work is further split into (1) methodological development in computational biology, (2) methodological deepening in collaboration with the statistics partners, and (3) two biological cases in collaboration with the biological partners.

SMC people involved in the project: