Dynamical systems and control: computation, identification and modelling.


Financing: BELSPO (BELSPO)

Project reference Nr.: IUAP P5/22
Start: 2002-01-01
End: 2006-12-31

Modelling, identification, control, and optimization of dynamical systems, with an emphasis on the computational aspects of such problems are the main themes of the network. The research activities of the network are organized along the following topics: numerical linear algebra and numerical solution of large scale problems, control and optimization, modelling and dynamics of networks, modelling and complexity of discrete dynamics, linear and nonlinear system identification, modelling and control in (bio-) chemical reactions and in biomedical systems. This IAP network is made up of seven teams from five different universities. The strength of the network resides in the complementary expertise available in modelling and control of nonlinear systems (UCL, RUG, ULg), system identification (UCL, KUL, VUB), computation and optimization (UCL, KUL) and biochemical and biomedical applications (UCL, KUL). Besides the production of high quality research, this network has always put a heavy emphasis on the training of the Belgian PhD students in systems and control and their co-supervision by academics from different teams. In 1991, it set up the Graduate School in Systems and Control, which has been operating ever since. Whereas the fundamental research pursued by the network addresses problems of a generic nature, the areas of application are extremely broad and diverse. They include modelling and control of traffic flows in networks, control of robots, modelling and optimization of chemical and biochemical reactors, predictive microbiology, bio-informatics, biomedical data processing, modelling in neuroscience.

SMC people involved in the project: