Meaningful Integration of Data, Analytics and Services


Financing: European Funding (EU Funding)

Project reference Nr.: H2020-SC1-2016-2017 Grant Agreement No.727721
Start: 2016-11-01
End: 2020-02-28


The MIDAS consortium is a partnership involving health authorities in five EU countries and the U.S. and technical big data experts from research institutions, MNCs and SMEs. Managing big data for ‘health in all’ is a monumental challenge for policy makers. MIDAS is addressing this challenge by developing and delivering an integrated solution which will liberate knowledge from data silos and unify heterogeneous big data sources to provide evidence-based actionable information and transform the way care is provided. 
Despite the urgent need and opportunity, the level of e-health deployment, to share medical data is very low. Indeed 52% of the hospitals do not share any medical information with external GPs electronically.
MIDAS will map, acquire, manage, model, process and exploit this heterogeneous health care, governmental and open data to provide an innovative world leading beyond state of the art solution which will inform risk stratification and long term policy-making decisions, demonstrating a positive impact across the EU and beyond. 
MIDAS will: 
• Provide a data mapping solution 
• Use open, social media and citizen data for high level policy analysis 
• Use technology to exploit the value of big data for actionable information 
• Disseminate best practice on privacy by design, ethics and governance 
• Make Europe a leader in e-health platforms  

Policy makers, patients and citizens will be co-creators of the solutions, ensuring that these are user validated, feedback is integrated, results are actionable and knowledge created to show benefit across a range of epidemiology challenges. Major health challenges which will be addressed include: aging population, obesity and mental health. Stakeholders will work together to make Europe a leader in e-health solutions, stimulating new opportunities for industry in this innovative field. 


SMC people involved in the project:

  • Michaela Black (Coordinator)
  • Paul Carlin (Promoter)
  • Iván Macía (Promoter)
  • Patrick O'Sullivan (Promoter)
  • Jarmo PÄÄKKÖNEN (Promoter)
  • Jon Miller (Promoter)
  • Austin Tanney (Promoter)
  • Risto Kaikkohen (Promoter)
  • Paul Davis (Promoter)
  • Marko Grobelnik (Promoter)
  • Mark van Gils (Promoter)
  • Roberto Bilbao (Promoter)
  • Dale Weston (Promoter)
  • Bart De Moor (Promotor)
  • Gorana Nikolic (Research Leader)
  • Elke Lammertyn (Team member)
  • Marc Claesen (Team member)
  • Geert Goderis (Team member)
  • Xi Shi (Team member)
  • Bert Vaes (Team member)
  • Gijs Van Pottelbergh (Team member)