Automated and User-Oriented Methods and Algorithms for Knowledge Management


Financing: Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie  (IWT)

Project reference Nr.: 010092/KUL-TW-WERKT-IB
Start: 2001-09-01
End: 2005-08-31
Project website:

Main objective of the McKnow project is to develop a test platform for new knowledge management methods and supporting algorithms. A number of quantitative techniques will be explored to investigate their usefulness for linking information and users of the envisaged knowledge management systems. This will lead to the development of well adjusted methods and algorithms for providing a better accessibility of available information. The most important innovative elements in the project proposal are the integration of user expertise domains in the knowledge management systems, the automation of the generation of document and user profiles, and the dynamic adjustment of user and document related information based on feedback form the KMS.

SMC people involved in the project: