
Here you can find the programs related to motif finding in INCLUSive as stand-alone executables.

If you have any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Linux executables version 3.2 are statically linked against libstdc++6. Normally, they should run on any linux distribution. There are also optimise3d 64bit executables available.
To install the executables you should save them on your local disk, best in a directory that is in your path, and you probably also need to set the mode to executable (eg. chmod 755 MotifSampler).
Windows executables are compiled from C++ code with MingW compiler tools and should be run in a command prompt.
MACOSX executables are compiled for power pc under version 10.4.4 of the os.
Warning! You can savely neglect the 'free invalid pointer' messages. They are inserted by the improved compiler and just tell me to fix these memory leaks.

Program Description Version
MotifSampler Program to find over-represented motifs in sets of sequences 3.2 Linux help
3.2 Linux x86-64
3.2 macosx ppc
3.1.1 Windows
MotifScanner Screen sequences with known motif using probabilistic sequence model. 3.2 Linux help
3.2 Linux x86-64
3.2 macosx ppc
3.1.1 Windows
MotifLocator Screen sequences with known motif based on classical position-weight matrix scoring scheme 3.2 Linux help
3.2 Linux x86-64
3.2 macosx ppc
3.1.1 Windows
CreateBackgroundModel Tool to create higher-order background model from input sequences 3.2 Linux help
3.2 Linux x86-64
3.2 macosx ppc
3.1.1 Windows
BackgroundScore Tool to score sequence with the background model. 3.2 Linux help
3.2 Linux x86-64
3.2 macosx ppc
3.1.1 Windows
MotifComparison Tool to compare motifs based on Kullback-Leiber distance. 3.2 Linux help
3.2 Linux x86-64
3.2 macosx ppc
3.1.1 Windows
MotifRanking Tool to rank the motifs found with MotifSampler according to their score. 3.2 Linux help
3.2 Linux x86-64
3.2 macosx ppc
3.1.1 Windows

Other Downloads

This page is maintained by Gert Thijs. Last update 2007/01/03.
Copyright © 2002-2007 KULeuven.