K. U. Leuven
Social Networks
Privacy and Surveillance
Requirements Engineering


IWT - SBO: Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks (SPION)
Project Coordinator

FP7 Support Action: Global Identity Networking of Individuals
Contributor to WP 1: The GINI Conceptual Framework and WP 4: Privacy Dimension of INDI

Work Package 1: Requirements Analysis
FP7 - Collaborative Project: Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services, TAS³
Seda Gürses and Nicola Zannone in cooperation with all the project partners, 2009, 2010

Working Group 6: HCI and Cognitive Modelling in Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery
Coordination Action: Knowledge Discovery in Ubiqiutous Environments, KDUbiq, 2006 - 2008
led by Bettina Berendt and Ernestina Menasalvas

LabforCulture Website User Evaluation
LabforCulture , 2006
the user evaluation team:
Seda Gürses, Lidia Varbanova, Angela Plohman,
Diana McCarty, Alper Atalan, Tevfik Kayahan

Working Group C: Privacy and Security in Ubiquitous Computing, Project InterVal
Oliver Günther, Sarah Spiekermann
Seda Gürses, Michael Klafft, Oliver Berthold and Ben Fabian
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 2005 - 2007

A Feasibility Study on Future Perspectives for Linking Women Scientists Databases
DATAWOMSCI: EU Project on Databases of Women Scientists
Almuthe Schlüther and Seda Gürses (Feasibility Study)

Open Source College: Evaluation of Wikis and Blogs
Seda Gürses, Carola Schirmer together with Armin Medosch
Ravensbourne College.

Virtual International Women's University
vifu team in year 2000:
Prof. Heidi Schelhowe, Barbara Schelkle, Heike Pisch, Diana McCarty,
Seda Gürses, Marlies Gollnick, Patricia Newman