Karting competitions and races




There are a lot of indoor karting championships and races. If I would have enough time and money, I would compete in all of them. But unfortunately, time and money are sparse, so I have to make choices. Below, you can find a list of the main competitions and races I'm (or was) participating in:



This indoor karting championship is organised by the website www.kartgrid.be. It consists of 10 races, most of them taking place on  different circuits. There are sprint races and endurance races. In the former, all pilotes drive together on the track. It consists of a 15 minutes qualification session, followed by a race of 30 minutes. In the latter, the races are driven in team (with 2 pilotes in 1 team) and last for one hour. Most participants are very experienced in indoor karting, and as a result, the level is quite high. The last couple of years, I had different teammates: Karel Herman (2003), Jordi Weckx (2004,2005), Dieter De Vos (2006), Stefan Decooman (2007). Our team name is/was of course Calamitas Racing.



Belkart is the unofficial Belgian indoor karting championship. Almost all the best indoor karting pilotes of Flanders are participating (the championship is not known very well in the French-speaking part of Belgium). It consists of 9 races: 8 indoor (on 4 different tracks) and 1 outdoor race with faster karts. In some of the races, one only looks to the average and fastest times one has driven. But there are also some classical races (in which only the position at the end of the race is taken into account). There are different weight categories, and I'm in the + 85kg group (the heavies). Since 2007, all races are indoor, and only average and fastest times are important (so not the position on the track). There are still 8 or 9 races in 1 season. The level is of course very high. More information can be found on www.belkart.be .



This is the championship where everthing started for me. It is organised by the racing club of Mechelen (Mechelse Autosport Club), but nowadays, the link to the club is not very clear anymore. There are 8 races of one hour, all on different racing tracks. Every race is driven in team (of 2 pilotes). The nicest thing about this indoor karting competition, is that both experienced drivers as beginners can participate. I won this championship in 2004 (both in the individual championship as the team championship). Probably, I will only take part in one or two races in 2006. See http://www.giovanniherbots.com/ for more details. From 2007, this championship is not organized anymore.



In 2006, the second edition of the world championship of indoor karting was organized in Phoenix. There were 75 competitors, including me. As it is a world championship (unofficially), the level will be extremely high and some pilotes really have a lot of experience. More information can be found on http://www.indoorkartworldchampionship.com and of course also on this website. Unexpected, I finished 10th overall. I obtained two podium finishes and started on the 2nd place in the big final (with the top 25 drivers). In 2007, I went back overthere, with the team Talent Promotion Belgium. Our team finished 1st, and we also won the nation's cup. In 2008, the world championship was organized in Kortrijk (Belgium). Talent Promotion Belgium competed with two teams. For the 2nd time in a row, we became world champion.


Wintercup Extreme Kart

This championship is organised in the winter and consists of 5 races. All of them take place in Extreme Kart (@ Herselt). They consist of a qualification session and a race of 50 minutes. The qualification session is different for every race, and always very special. E.g., one has to drive one lap in the wrong direction, or one has to use a bike instead of a kart. Always big fun!!! Most competitors know the circuit very well, so the level is quite high. Most of the times, the lap record gets improved in such a race.


Student Karting Day

Every year, one organizes an endurance race for students. It always takes place at the outdoor circuit Antwerp Karting. Most of the teams are not very experienced in karting, but there are always some exceptions. In 2004 and 2005, I was part of a team with some colleagues of the universities. We even finished 3rd in 2004. In 2006, I participated to this race with other pilotes of Calamitas Racing and we were very successful (as we have won the race).



Our race team, Calamitas Racing, organized every year an endurance race in Bilzer Karting. This race was called the Calamitas Karting Challenge.


4ever karting

The 4ever karting team organizes about every 2 months a race in JPR (the indoor circuit of St-Niklaas). There is a nice atmosphere among the participants. The length of the races vary from one hour to several hours. More information can be found on www.4everkarting.be .