Onboard Generation

Onboard generation is a relatively straightforward way of harvesting wind energy with kites. Tiny wind turbines are mounted onto the kite’s wings, and produce the equivalent power of a much larger conventional wind turbine due to the high speeds the kite is flying at.

The inverted propellers mounted on the wing harvest the kinetic energy of the air mass by slowing down the air flow, whose relative speed can reach over 100 m/s. Due to the cubical relationship between wind speed and the power that can be extracted from the stream of air; the size of these turbines can be really small.

Groups working on Onboard Generation :

Makani Power, http://www.makanipower.com
Joby Energy, http://www.jobyenergy.com


Publications related to Onboard Generation :

M. Loyd. Crosswind Kite Power. Journal of Energy, 4(3):106–111, July 1980.pdf.png

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